svac/Monitor: Monitor-01-03-03
- Added new object to retrieve quantity FastMon_Spacecraft_Distance_To_SAA (GDQMQ-311).
- Added new object to retrieve quantity FT1EventClass (GDQMQ-308).
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-01-04-02
- Added FastMon trending quantity FastMon_Spacecraft_Distance_To_SAA (GDQMQ-311).
svac/TestReport: TestReport-10-01-00
- error list is now pointing to the evtGemId.
- checking the FSW compression level (GDQMQ-320).
- checking that periodic evts never have the TEM bug (GDQMQ-319).
Complete set of tags for L1Proc 1.75