Blog from September, 2009

Reason for change

We are adding a number of new monitoring tags (mostly, to monitor the distance to the SAA).
Plus, the staging for crumbs is now moved to xrootd.

Test Procedure

We have processed runs in the DEV pipeline with this version of L1Proc.

Rollback procedure

We can easily switch back to the previous version of L1Proc.

CCB Jira



L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline v1r77
- Stage crumbs (but not chunks) on xroot.
- Make more smaller crumbs.
- Fail fast if too many chunks.
- Don't make ft2Txt file.

GPLtools: fileOps3
- Support crumbs staging on xroot.

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-05-19-05
- Upper warning limit for AcdPedPedMeanDeviation_PMTB_TH1 (y_value) changed from 8 to 12. This is temporary change that will be reverted as soon as we have updated the claibration constants (GDQMQ-321).
- Added two more error conditions to the verify alarm file: checking the FSW compression level (GDQMQ-320), checking that periodic evts never have the TEM bug (GDQMQ-319).
- Limits on the digi trending quantity Mean_CompressionLevel moved by an "epsilon" as a workaround to a bug in the alarm handler (which is now fixed).
- num_sigma parameter set to zero for the alarm on digi trending quantity Mean_CompressionLevel (since we do not expect any single value lower than 8, we want to explicitely ignore the error on the average).
- Upper limits on digi trending OutF_Ratio_EvtSize_CompressedEvtSize changed from 3.25, 3.50 to 3.40, 3.60 to accommodate the B2-1-0 version of the flight software (error events are now compressed).
- Lower limits on digi trending Mean_CompressionLevel changed from 7.0, 7.8 to 8.0, 8.0 to accommodate the B2-1-0 version of the flight software. Now all the events are compressed and everything whose compression level is different from 8 should be regarded as unexpected.

dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-00-01
- Added a new xml file with the definition of the SAA uploaded on the spacecraft (GDQMQ-311).

dataMonitoring/Common: Common-06-01-01
- Some more improment in the calculation of the badness in In the completely degenerate case in which all the four limits coincide the badness is no longer set to ERROR_BADNESS + DELTA_BADNESS, as it used to be. Rather, an additional constant, proportional to the distance between the (best) value and the center of the interval (possibly weighted with the error) is added in such a way the sorting (badness-wise) between the data points is preserved (i.e. the they don't have all the same badness, but rather worts is labeled as worst).
- Bug fix in how the alarm limits are handled. The issue was the case in which all the four limits were identical and the actual value was outside the limits themselves. A similar issue was documented and fixed in GDQMQ-272, but I missed one of the cases in the logic (now the code looks perfectly simmetric).

dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-01-00
- Test program added to read a m7 file and make plots of the orbit and dstance to the SAA (GDQMQ-311).
- Some more work for the calculation of the distance to the SAA. Still pretty rough, but first reasonable implementation.
- New small module added to the repository to handle the transformation between the J2000 and the True Equator True Equinox (TETE) systems.

svac/Monitor: Monitor-01-03-03
- Added new object to retrieve quantity FastMon_Spacecraft_Distance_To_SAA (GDQMQ-311).
- Added new object to retrieve quantity FT1EventClass (GDQMQ-308).

dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-01-04-03
- Added FastMon trending quantity FastMon_Spacecraft_Distance_To_SAA (GDQMQ-311).

svac/TestReport: TestReport-10-01-00
- error list is now pointing to the evtGemId.
- checking the FSW compression level (GDQMQ-320).
- checking that periodic evts never have the TEM bug (GDQMQ-319).

Complete set of tags for L1Proc 1.75

Code Versions

GlastRelease (sim/recon): v15r47p12

ScienceTools (Level 2) : v9r15p3gl2

Science Ops (task defs, scripts):

Level 1 pipeline code and applications running in L1:

svac/L1Pipeline: L1Pipeline v1r77*

calibTkrUtil v2r7p3
calibGenTKR v4r5

dataMonitoring/AlarmsCfg: AlarmsCfg-05-19-05*
dataMonitoring/FastMonCfg: FastMonCfg-02-00-01*
dataMonitoring/DigiReconCalMeritCfg: DigiReconCalMeritCfg-01-04-03*

dataMonitoring/Common: Common-06-01-01*
dataMonitoring/FastMon: FastMon-05-01-00*
datMonitoring/IGRF: v1r0p1

svac/Monitor: Monitor-01-03-03*
svac/EngineeringModelRoot: v4r4
svac/TestReport: TestReport-10-01-00*

users/richard/pipelineDatasets: v0r6

ft2Util: v1r2p31

evtClassDefs v0r14

GPLtools: fileOps3*

Reason for change

The new version (AlarmsCfg-05-19-04, as opposed to AlarmsCfg-05-18-04) includes some limit changes to accommodate the fact that in the B2-1-0 version of the flight software all the events are compressed.

Test Procedure

We have processed monitoring products from real on-orbit data (LPA) locally with this version of AlarmsCfg.

Rollback procedure

The package can be rolled back to the previous version by flipping a soft link. Also note that the package is completely independent from any other package running in the pipeline and will not cause a version change of L1Proc.

CCB Jira


Details (release notes for dataMonitoring/AlarmCfg for AlarmsCfg-05-19-04)

AlarmsCfg-05-19-04 24-Sep-2009 monzani added two checks to verify

  • Added two more error conditions to the verify alarm file: checking the FSW compression level (GDQMQ-320), checking that periodic evts never have the TEM bug (GDQMQ-319)

AlarmsCfg-05-19-02 22-Sep-2009 lbaldini Minor change to protect against a bug in the alarm handler

  • Limits on the digi trending quantity Mean_CompressionLevel moved by an "epsilon" as a workaround to a bug in the alarm handler (which is now fixed and will make it into the L1Proc at some point, see GDQMQ-272 for details).

AlarmsCfg-05-19-01 22-Sep-2009 lbaldini Minor change in one digi trend alarm.

  • num_sigma parameter set to zero for the alarm on digi trending quantity Mean_CompressionLevel (since we do not expect any single value lower than 8, we want to explicitely ignore the error on the average).

AlarmsCfg-05-19-00 21-Sep-2009 lbaldini Digi trend limits updated for flight software B2-1-0

  • Upper limits on digi trending OutF_Ratio_EvtSize_CompressedEvtSize changed from 3.25, 3.50 to 3.40, 3.60 to accommodate the B2-1-0 version of the flight software (error events are now compressed).
  • Lower limits on digi trending Mean_CompressionLevel changed from 7.0, 7.8 to 8.0, 8.0 to accommodate the B2-1-0 version of the flight software. Now all the events are compressed and everything whose compression level is different from 8 should be regarded as unexpected.