The DataCatalog is queried for the FT1 file based on DownlinkId.
The GRB_ASP_CONFIG db table is queried for blind search configuration: log-likelihood thresholds, event number partition size, effective deadtime between burst candidates, etc.
The FT1 file is read in and analyzed.
For each GRB candidate:
A working directory is created on NFS.
A LatGcnNotice is generated. A text version is written to cwd. A GCN packet version is added to the GCNNOTICES db table.
email notification is sent out
If the burst corresponds a burst already in the GCNNOTICES db table (via an algorithm TBD), an entry is made and it is marked as an "UPDATE" (ISUPDATE=1), otherwise it is marked as "NEW" (ISUPDATE=0) and a GRB db table entry is created with the candidate burst parameters (INITIAL_RA, INITIAL_DEC, INITIAL_ERR_RADIUS, MET(=GRB_ID)). is executed to launch followup tasks for all pending GRB analyses
The DataCatalog is queried for the FT1/2 files based on a time window centered on the candidate burst time derived by GRB_blind_search.
The FT1/2 files from the DataCatalog locations are merged into single FT1 and FT2 files, and these files are written to the NFS working directory created for this burst candidate by GRB_blind_search.
The GRB_ASP_CONFIG table is queried for position refinement configuration parameters.
The extractLatData, refinePosition, LatGrbSpectrum, and tsMap task subprocesses are run, writing their output to the burst-specific working directory on NFS.
Each process writes output to the GRB db table.
The tsMap process creates plots for the GRBMonitoring page.
The registerPlots scriptlet registers the plots with the DataCatalog so that the GRBMonitoring page can find them.
The DataCatalog is queried for the FT1/2 files based on a time window, nominally 5 hours (TBR), after the end of the prompt burst phase as determined by GRB_refinement.
The FT1/2 files from the DataCatalog locations are merged into single FT1 and FT2 files, and these files are written to the NFS working directory created for this burst candidate by GRB_blind_search.
The GRB_ASP_CONFIG table is queried for afterglow analysis configuration parameters.
The afterglowData, afterglowLivetimeCube, afteglowDiffResps, afterglowExpMap, and afterglowAnalysis task subprocesses are run, writing their output to the burst-specific working directory on NFS.
Each process writes output to the GRB db table. (not implemented yet)