The DataCatalog is queried for the FT1 file based on DownlinkId.
The GRB_ASP_CONFIG db table is queried for blind search configuration: log-likelihood thresholds, event number partition size, effective deadtime between burst candidates, etc.
The FT1 file is read in and analyzed.
For each GRB candidate:
A LatGcnNotice is generated.
email notification is sent out
If the burst corresponds a burst already in the GCNNOTICES db table (via an algorithm TBD), an entry is made and it is marked as an "UPDATE" (ISUPDATE=1), otherwise it is marked as "NEW" (ISUPDATE=0) and a GRB db table entry is created with the candidate burst parameters (INITIAL_RA, INITIAL_DEC, INITIAL_ERR_RADIUS, MET(=GRB_ID)). is executed to launch followup task for all pending GRB analyses