GCN Notices arrive asynchronously via the GCN socket connection.
On arrival, each Notice is entered into the GCNNOTICES db table.
If the Notice refers to a new GRB, a GRB_ID is assigned, and a new entry in the GRB db table is created.
For each new entry in the GRB db table, two flags are set to false (0): L1_DATA_AVAILABLE and ANALYSIS_VERSION. L1_DATA_AVAILABLE is set to true if L1 data are available for the GRB_refinement task and the task has been submitted. ANAYLSIS_VERSION is set to true if the GRB_refinement task has run and if the L1 data are available for the GRB_afterglow task. (The names and conditions for altering fields will need to be reviewed.)
When new L1 (FT1/2) data are available, ASP tasks are launched.
GRB_blind_search, flareDetection, and PGwave are designed to process each downlink and are launched unconditionally.
GRB_refinement, GRB_afterglow, and DRP_monitoring require data from specific data time intervals to be available in order to run.
GRB task launcher process and DataCatalog querying
In the BlindSearch process, a script (grb_followup.py) is run that queries the GRB db table for entries satisfying two sets of conditions:
L1_DATA_AVAILABLE=0: These are GRB candidates that require the GRB_refinement task to be run.
L1_DATA_AVAILABLE=1 and ANALYSIS_VERSION=0: These are GRB candidates that have had GRB_refinement task run, but still require GRB_afterglow to be run.
Based on the data in those queries, grb_followup.py computes the time intervals to be considered and queries the DataCatalog for the required FT1/2 files.
If those files are available, the corresponding tasks are launched.
GRB the table entries are updated by the launched tasks.
Individual Task Data Processing
The DataCatalog is queried for the FT1 file based on DownlinkId.
The GRB_ASP_CONFIG db table is queried for blind search configuration: log-likelihood thresholds, event number partition size, effective deadtime between burst candidates, etc.
The FT1 file is read in and analyzed.
For each GRB candidate:
A LatGcnNotice is generated.
email notification is sent out
If the burst corresponds a burst already in the GCNNOTICES db table (via an algorithm TBD), an entry is made and it is marked as an "UPDATE" (ISUPDATE=1), otherwise it is marked as "NEW" (ISUPDATE=0) and a GRB db table entry is created with the candidate burst parameters (INITIAL_RA, INITIAL_DEC, INITIAL_ERR_RADIUS, MET(=GRB_ID)).