- LinkData: 224 bits (need to check what is contained here)
- EgroupGB1Data_dbg[i]: 36-bits. Bits 33-35 are added by the gearbox: bit 35 indicates of the header is valid and bits 33-34 are the header (should be 01 if all is well). Bit 32 indicates if the data is valid.
- LinkAligned: a single bit that indicates the alignment of the optical signal between Felix and optoboard
- DecoderAligned_ila: should be 01 if uplink is aligned
- EgroupUnscrData_dbg[0]: if you see values like 87*ffff fffff then the UPLINK polarity is inverted (it should be d78100000)
Some Useful Links
- Optoboard System Documentation
- FELIX JIRA (Oct/22) on optoboard + ITkPix readout setup
- CERN mattermost Bern-Optoboard channel
- Talk (Dec/9/2022) by Angira Rastogi on Optoboard-FELIX setup at LBNL