The ePix100 is our main small-pixel energy- and position-reconstruction detector in psana1. It is a 500 um silicon sensor 50 um pixel hybrid charge-integrating single gain mode X-ray detector for low flux applications (up to 100 8 keV photons) above 2 keV. The pixel array is 704 rows by 768 columns.
What a detector person need to know
The camera uses the standard epix run+daq trigger, R0, ACQ; CDS. The sensor is a single piece of silicon with 4 asics/module in a 2x2 arrangement. Since it's a single sensor there is no geometry associated with it. The bank structure of the ASIC is 8 banks below and 8 banks above the midline. The gain is about 16 keV/ADU and the noise is about foo (bar) after (before) common mode correction.
Electronics chain
See paper here.
Quantum efficiency
Pixel layout
The pixel arrangement is described here: ePix100A 2x2 Tile Inter-IC Geometry.pdf
Note that the areas can be retrieved in psana via det.areas().
Weird stuff to be aware of
The gain correction formula is (raw-pedestal) * gain. The 10k and JF (in psana1, plus all detectors in psana2) divide by the gain (correction).