Wire Scanner Operation |
| PV Name | Record Type | Database File Name | Purpose |
| Control: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:STARTSCAN | bo | wirescan.template | Start scan using given parameters; value 1 means start, set to 0 to cancel |
| General User-settable Wire Scanner Parameters (Settable on every scan) |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:USEUWIRE | bo | wirescan.template | Use U wire on next scan |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:USEXWIRE | bo | wirescan.template | Use X wire on next scan |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:USEYWIRE | bo | wirescan.template | Use Y wire on next scan |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:SCANTOCENTER | bo | wirescan.template | Perform scan from outer to inner position (T or F) |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:SCANPULSES | ao | wirescan.template | Number of beam pulses to intercept on current scan |
| Status Display: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:SCANPOSSTART | ao | wirescan.template | Calculated Starting position of Current Scan |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:SCANPOSSTOP | ao | wirescan.template | Calculated Stopping position of Current Scan |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:SCANPROGRESS | ao | wirescan.template | Scan percent complete for display to user |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:SCANTEXT | stringout | wirescan.template | Message indicating current state of scan |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVDTPROFILE | compress | motor.template | Circular buffer of LVDT positions; reset by state machines |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:MOTPROFILE | compress | motor.template | Circular buffer of motion positions; reset by state machines |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:PLVDTPROFILE | waveform | motor.template | Processed LVDT profile from circular buffer |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:PMOTPROFILE | waveform | motor.template | Processed Motor motion profile from circular buffer |
| User Configuration Parameters (Occasionally Set) |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:UWIREOUTER | longout | wirescan.template | Outer Parked position for U Wire Acquisition |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:UWIREINNER | longout | wirescan.template | Inner Parked position for U Wire Acquisition |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:XWIREOUTER | longout | wirescan.template | Outer Parked position for X Wire Acquisition |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:XWIREINNER | longout | wirescan.template | Inner Parked position for X Wire Acquisition |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:YWIREOUTER | longout | wirescan.template | Outer Parked position for Y Wire Acquisition |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:YWIREINNER | longout | wirescan.template | Inner Parked position for Y Wire Acquisition |
| Static Wire Scanner Parameters (Installation) |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:HASUWIRE | bo | wirescan.template | Is U Wire Present (T or F) |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:HASXWIRE | bo | wirescan.template | Is X Wire Present (T or F) |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:HASYWIRE | bo | wirescan.template | Is Y Wire Present (T or F) |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:INSTALLANGLE | bo | wirescan.template | The angle at which the wire scanner is oriented from beam's point of view |
| Calibration |
| Control: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:ZEROSET | bo | calibrate.template | Causes zero calibration point to be set manually |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:FINDZERO | bo | calibrate.template | Start automatic limit find and subsequent zero midpoint search |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:STARTCALPROF | bo | calibrate.template | Start sweep from low to high limit, to measure motor step vs. LVDT |
| Options: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:CALSTEPSIZE | ao | calibrate.template | Distance in microns to step with each calibration measurement |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:CALMOVESEQ | seq | calibrate.template | DLY1 field is time in seconds to pause before each step |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:CALSOFTLIM | ao | calibrate.template | Distance to move off from Limit switches to place software limits |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:CALTOTTRAV | ao | calibrate.template | Theoretical maximum travel distance, beyond which scanners cannot move |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:CALSLOWVEL | ao | calibrate.template | Velocity for Finding Limit Switches; typically slow |
| Status Display: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:SUBLPROF | subArray | motor.template | Truncated array of LVDT measurements from current calibration |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:SUBMPROF | subArray | motor.template | Truncated array of motor steps from current calibration |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:CALTEXT | stringout | calibrate.template | Message indicating current state of calibration |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:CALPROGRESS | ao | calibrate.template | Calibration Percent complete for display to user |
| Motion Control: |
| General Motion Control: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:MOTRVAL | ao | motor.template | Last requested value for motor position. |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:MOTRPOSNOW | longin | motor.template | Proxy value of actual motor position; direct, fast readout |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:MOTRVELCHOICE | mbbo | motor.template | Enumerated record for speed; slow, normal, medium, max |
| Low level Motion Control: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:MOTR | motor | motor.template | Motion control management |
| Internal Records for Management: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:SYNCMOTPROFILE | fanout | motor.template | Ties together the motion/LVDT circular buffers for data insertion |
| PMT Readout |
| ADC Converted Data: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCRAWHI | longin | adc.template | High resolution ADC data |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCRAWLO | longin | adc.template | Low resolution ADC data |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCRAW | ai | adc.template | Best resolution ADC data |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCWAVE | compress | adc.template | circular buffer of best resolution |
| ADC Support Data: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCSERIALNUM | longin | adc.template | Serial number of ADC module |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCTRIGGERS | longin | adc.template | Number of triggers seen since reset |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCGETBASELN | longin | adc.template | Get baseline value for zero suppression |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCSETBASELN | longout | adc.template | Set baseline value for zero suppression |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCOUTRANGE | longin | adc.template | Status words (out of range, etc) |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCHILOGAIN | longout | adc.template | Gain setting |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCHITHRESH | longout | adc.template | High threshold value for accepted data |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:QDCLOTHRESH | longout | adc.template | Low threshold value for accepted data |
| Distance Measurement: |
| ADC Converted Data: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVPOS | sub | lvdt.template | Calculated position of moving stage |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVRAW | ai | lvdt.template | Raw 16 bit value readout |
| ADC Setup Options: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVIGNORE | bo | lvdt.template | Ignore this channel's input |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVMAGNIFY | bo | lvdt.template | Magnify the scale for this channel |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVRATIOMODE | bo | lvdt.template | Use Ratiometric mode for readout |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVGETCYCLES | mbbi | lvdt.template | Get number of cycles used for scan |
| ADC Readout of Setup Options: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVISIGNORED | bi | lvdt.template | Is this channel's input being ignored? |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVISMAGNIFIED | bi | lvdt.template | Is this channel's input being magnified? |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVISRATIOMODE | bi | lvdt.template | Is this channel in Rationmetric mode? |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVSETCYCLES | mbbo | lvdt.template | Set number of cycles used for scan |
| ADC Support Values for readback: |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVAMPL | longin | lvdt.template | Amplitude of output signal |
| WIRE:IN20:BL531:LVSCANCOUNT | longin | lvdt.template | Number of Scans performed since reset (1/sec) |
| Beam Pulse Rate (temporary) |
| TIMING:IN20:BL001:BEAMRATE | ai | removeme.db | Temporary indication of beam rate |