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The events are produced assuming 100% polarization for the initial state electron and positron; different files for the same final state correspond to different polarization sign combinations. The variable IDRUPLH indexes the different final states and polarizations. Assume, for example, that a process has IDRUPLH=14995 . The stdhep file is ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc2/whizdata/ILC500/w14995_01.stdhep and the information about the generation of this file can be found in the directory ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc2/whizdata/ILC500/doc/run_output/w14995/run_01/ .
The log file is ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc2/whizdata/ILC500/doc/run_output/w14995/run_01/whizard.log ,
the whizard input file is ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc2/whizdata/ILC500/doc/run_output/w14995/run_01/whizard.in
and cross section information is in ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc2/whizdata/ILC500/doc/run_output/w14995/run_01/whizard.n3n3n3n3ss_o.out
The WHIZARD Monte Carlo version 1.40 is used for parton generation. For processes with (without) an on-shell Higgs boson in the final state the Higgs mass is assumed to be 120 GeV (2000 GeV). The Makefile and build log files for this implementation of WHIZARD can be found in ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc2/whizdata/ILC500/doc/whizard-v1r4p0 .
The absolute value of USER_spectrum_mode determines which energy spectrum is used, with the sign +/- indicating
electron/positron beam, respectively. For the 500 fb -1 GeV SM data sample this absolute value is always 2, and corresponds
to the Guinea-Pig data contained in the directory ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc/ILC500/StandardModel/guinea-pig/ilc_0500_may05_run05_seed06/
This spectrum represents the default ILC design for Ecm=500 GeV circa August 2005, and includes both incoming LINAC
energy spread and beamstrahlung.
There are over 3500 files in ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilcilc2/whizdata/ILC500/, each produced with 100% electron and positron polarization. To use these
stdhep files in practice one must read the correct number of events from a subset of these files, or read a derived stdhep file. A derived stdhep file is built from the files
in ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilcilc2/whizdata/ILC500/ and corresponds to a particular subset of final states with a particular initial state electron and positron polarization
combination (such as -80% electron and +30% positron).
Derived stdhep files representing all SM processes at Ecm=500 250 GeV can be found at ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc/ILC500/StandardModelILC250/Large_Stdhep_SM/ . Different final states appear randomly.
There are 487163,603155,537 055 events (250 125 fb -1 luminosity) with -80% electron / +30% positron polarization,
and 474157,837463,805 964 events (250 125 fb -1 luminosity) with +80% electron / -30% positron polarization.
Defining your own
derived stdhep files.
You can build your own derived stdhep files by filling out an input card file, such as ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc/ILC500/StandardModel/aa_bb_example_whizdata.in or ftp://ftp-lcd.slac.stanford.edu/ilc/ILC500/StandardModel/qqlv_example_whizdata.in . Comment lines begin with an exclamation point. The fields are: