- According to https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/224113/coronavirus-infections-rising-exponentially-england-react/ the % delta variant is increasing by a factor of 2 in 11 days.
For the US, Fauci says % delta variant is doubling in US every 2 weeks (https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2021/06/22/fauci-delta-variant-doubling-in-us-every-two-weeks-in-greatest-threat-to-eradicating-covid/?sh=633ad681777d)
- The 7 day smoothed daily confirmed cases per Mpop increases with the % Delta variant, with the UK leading.
- The Pearson correlation coefficient indicates a 21% association between the daily confirmed cases per Mpop and the % Delta variant.
- See https://www.bbc.com/news/health-57489740 for a discussion of why the COVID-19 variant has spread so quickly in the UK.
The Western and Southern European nations lead in numbers of cases (NL, ES, UK, PT, MT, BE, IE, DK are all above 100 daily confirmed cases).
- For the Scandinavian countries Norway and Sweden are very similar but not Denmark. There is no % Delta variant data for Finland.
Looking at the daily confirmed COVID-19 case as a function of time, we see the chart below:
It can be seen that the UK and Portugal (PT) both started on an increase around 6/15/2021, followed in turn by Spain (ES) around 6/28/2021, and Ireland (IE) around 6/30/2021, Denmark (DK), Belgium (BE), France (FR), Malta (MT), and Switzerland (CH).
Vaccine doses per 100 population