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The software week goal is to facilitate communication and collaboration between everyone as we move forward extended support for Fermi. FSSC members will be available at SLAC all week for group discussions and one-on-one meetings. In addition to targeted topics, we encourage attendees with broad or cross-cutting interests to join the various discussions. There will be plenty of work, so we'll need everyone to take part in this transition.

Previous Software Weeks:  Winter 2017, Fall 2017,  Winter 2017, Winter 2018

Dates: March 2, 2020 - March 5, 2020


Remote access: Main room; backup room


We've narrowed the possible weeks to late February and early March 2020 at SLAC. If you are interested in attending, please use the table below to indicate which of the weeks works for you, and we'll try to pick the week that works best for the most people.  If you can't attend in person, hopefully we can work out remote attendance.



Week of

Feb 17


Week of

Feb 24


Week of

March 2


Week of

March 9


  • Liz Hayes


  • Don Horner


  • Alex Reustle



  • Joe Asercion


  • Tom Stephens



  • Nicola Omodei


  • Tom Glanzman



  • Richard Dubois



  • Brian Van Klaveren


  • Toby Burnett


  • Eric Charles



  • Steve Tether



  • Heather Kelly


  • (remote)
  • Judy Racusin


Schedule and Agenda

All times Pacific Standard.


TimeTulare (B53, Room 4006)Toluca (B53, Room 4002)
9am-10amFermitools code development
  • How to contribute to the Fermitools
  • Go over the process of using the new development paradigm
  • How to use Github, submit patches, etc
  • How to update, build locally etc.
10amOther -11am
Fermitools Azure pipeline
  • Maintenance and development
  • Training on design/development of the Azure pipeline
  • Joe will go in depth about how pipeline functions as Azure and how config file functions.
Fermitools documentation
  • Documentation status
    • Missing fhelp files
    • What is out of date?
  • What is needed?  New threads?  Who will do them?
  • Using Jupyter notebooks
  • Work together on documentation?
2pm-3pmSLAC infrastructure issues 
3pm-4pmSLAC move to CentOS.
  • Create the containers and move pipeline to containers to run on Centos7.
  • Do the process together and test.
  • What else is affected? 
Fermitools documentation
  • Documentation status
    • Missing fhelp files
    • What is out of date?
  • What is needed?  New threads?  Who will do them?
  • Using Jupyter notebooks
  • Work together on documentation?
2pm-3pmFermitools code development
  • Go over the process of using the new development paradigm
  • How to use Github, submit patches, etc
  • How to update, build locally etc.
Fermitools Azure pipeline
  • Maintenance and development
  • Training on design/development of the Azure pipeline
  • Joe will go in depth about how pipeline functions as Azure and how config file functions.



Wednesday (2020-03-04)

TimeTulare (B53, Room 4006)Toluca (B53, Room 4002)
9am-10amFermitools testing
  • How to get the tools tested before release. C&A group role?
  • Improving unit tests.
  • Turn analysis thread Jupyter notebooks into scripts that can be run automatically
Fermitools user support and tracking tasks
  • Where to report issues JIRA vs. Github
  • github tracker and helpdesk staffing, response times etc. 
  • Ways to improve the process
  • How long will Toby support it?  What should we do after that?
2pm-3pmGLASTRelease and Jenkins
  • Heather, Brian, Alex, Joe, Joanne?
  • Make sure GR builds with Jenkins.  
  • Is Heather's knowledge about build and deployment documented?
3pm-4pmFermitools bug fix workshop
  • Get together to go through and maybe fix reported Fermitools bugs/issues.
  • Need Eric, Joe, Alex, Tom, Don others?
