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Here we discuss how to apply fit to data using absolute errors on peak position, get fit parameters with errors, estimate fit quality.




Fit in the processing script


Code Block
titleessential code
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.stats import chi2

        xn = np.array([pk.x/L for pk in sp.lst_equ_evt_peaks], dtype=np.double)
        yn = np.array([pk.y/L for pk in sp.lst_equ_evt_peaks], dtype=np.double)
        en = np.array([pk.csigma*sp.PIXEL_SIZE/L for pk in sp.lst_equ_evt_peaks], dtype=np.double)
        #en = np.array([max(pk.rsigma,pk.csigma)*sp.PIXEL_SIZE/L for pk in sp.lst_equ_evt_peaks], dtype=np.double)

        p0 = [-3.2,-16.0] # phi, beta angle central values

            popt, pcov = curve_fit(funcy, xn, yn, p0, en, absolute_sigma=True)
            sp.fib_chi2 = np.sum(((funcy(xn, *popt) - yn) / en)**2)
            sp.fib_ndof = len(xn) - 1
            sp.fib_prob = chi2.sf(sp.fib_chi2, sp.fib_ndof, loc=0, scale=1)






Distribution of parameters for peaks found by peak_finder_v2:

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For 2-peak events fit does not have any freedom - curve can exactly be fitted to 3 points (including origin); chi2=0 and probability is always 1.


For >2-peak events chi2 and probability show some distribution.

Peak list with phi-beta fit results

After phi-beta fit peaks are saved in the file with name like






Comparing to regular peak parameters this file has extended data for each peak by

Code Block
...  fit-phi fit-beta  phi-err  beta-err  fit-chi2  ndof  fit-prob
...     1.30  -42.98  3.800454 10.236941  0.000000     1  1.000000
...    -4.75  -23.85  0.265462  1.212093  1.734365     3  0.629321

If someone want to load this file using pyimgalgos.TDFileContainer, the class pyimgalgos.TDPeakRecord needs to be updated.

