- We used the CIA World fact Book Country Comparison Fertility Rate (children born per woman) to provide a list of countries and their Fertility Rate for 2015. The map below from Wikipedia shows the distribution of Fertility Rates by country.
- We used http://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/pinger/pcm.html to provide the PingER throughput for 2015 for each country.
- The country name to TLD were derived from http://www-iepm.slac.stanford.edu/pinger/tld_country_list.txt
- The country name to regions was obtained from http://www.slac.stanford.edu/comp/net/mon/countries.tsv
- The populations were obtained from /afs/slac.stanford.edu/g/www/cgi-wrap-bin/net/offsite_mon/pinghistory/outputCountryPop.txt
We decided to use the PingER derived throughput to illustrate the Internet performance. This is derived using the Mathis formula relating throughput to loss probability (p) and Round Trip Time (RTT) as Throughput < (MSS/RTT)*(1 / sqrt(p)) where: MSS: is the maximum segment size (fixed for each Internet path, typically 1460 bytes)
The fertility data, TLD data and throughput data were imported into Excel. We used the Excel vlookup function to create a table of; Fertility Rate, median throughput, population for each country.