SLAC ATLAS group owns a proof cluster. It is actually a proof cluster, a batch cluster and a xrootd storage cluster (the Tier 3 space).
- On atlint0[1-4] the xrootd storage cluster (the Tier 3 space) is mounted at /atlas .
- You can use R2D2 to transfer official ATLAS datasets to the space under directory /atlas/dq2. The Tier 3's name in R2D2 is SLAC-ATLAS-T3_GRIDFTP.
- Files under /atlas/proof and /atlas/output are used by the proof jobs.
- Space under /atlas/local are for users to read and write.
- In your batch jobs, you can access them via the xrootd protocol (explained below). The accessing URL is root://atlprf01:11094//atlas/...