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T9/PS run Daily Briefings - 3PM

Daily briefing minutes

August 19 - 32-1-A24


- large increase in the beam rate for standard setting last night when running photons, had to reduce rate by closing slits to 51 to get usual rate on S0 (20K/cycle) and reduce pile-up; please monitor this number when taking photons and act on slits if needed
- revised few shift to match right people with planned activity (see shift list for details); contact Luca in case of problems
- Luca L leave tonight, Benoit will take over as run coordinator  

Online&DAQ Report


- CAL pedestal drift: analysed rate effect in CAL crystal on pedestal for p runs; there is a clear effect that shows a broadening of the landau peak in CalEneSum at high rate; cutting on GemDeltaEvtTime and selecting particles at the beginning of the spill the Landau appear normal. The same is confirmed when analyzing few runs taken with lower p rate. Positron and electron runs seem unaffected


- running smoothly with photons, program to be followed until tomorrow at 4PM maximum; perform full-brem at shallow angle tonight, and if time is short do not perform some of the runs at 500mev primary beam as we plan to reconfigure the tagger for the very low energy on monday and tuesday anyway
- move to positron setup tomorrow afternoon and take data overnight
- monday/tuesday for tagger low energy setup and data
- tuesday afternoon for special runs 
- wednesday morning 8AM start removal. Sandro+Michele will lead the CU dismantling and transportation, Johan+Massimo will lead the packaging of electronis, computers, services, Francesco G will lead the removal and storage of the ancillaries. Benoit will take take care of contacting Ilias and organizing the transportation 


August 18 - 13-3-005


- smooth data taking until this morning around 10; T10 requested hadron target w/o prior agreement with us and reduced our e rate by a factor 2. we agreed that they can have the hadron target between 1PM and 5PM today. We will use that time to setup the finger counters for e+ runs, to speed up setup for e+.
- this is the second time that a change affect our line w/o prior planning or notification from the control room; there is in general good support from the control room and no problem in giving us standard conditions, so shifters are encouraged to contact the control room if they spot any strange performance in the beam line, and ask for standard conditions



 - Magnet failure: MNP17 colling system failure at 1AM stopped data taking for several hours but no damage on hardware. Physics restarted after 2 hours w/o silicon tagger for CAL calibrations. Magnet repaired in the morning
- CU cooling system changes: CU/ISC cooling coil in the ISC base plate leaked: it was emptied and is now non available, we will rely on top cooling coil as no intervention is possible; the chiller was moved closer to the ISC to minimize thermalization of coolant with ambient through thermal exchange with the zone air, now chiller more efficient;  fan added to cool XY table motors. Please look at the temperature during your shift

 Online Report

 - DAQ sync studies going on
- CU: Ric investigating phasing errors

 Offline Report

- pipeline  nicely running
- 1st 1000 evetns in SVAC ntuple duplicated  
- offline monitor requires script to parse rcReport info and link to MC files (Navid working on that)
- MC and CU cooprdinate systems mismatch (check with Philippe) 
- no CAL-HI triggers in last night data as  fhe values were saturated


 - Complete DAQ sync studies
- perform CU timing studies to optimize TACK (timing/script vs ext trigger manual delay)
- explore beam conditions 
- ACD calibrations (ideally 5gev p, if NA 5gev e) 
- CAL runs with e (Benoit)
- Tagger calibration start on 29 morning


 - Fill elogbook
- Take your shifts and launch runs yourself 
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="023a3a85a80cce7d-210f449f-4ec44239-a0b1aa04-6f52ba4b3355396dcbf4f5fd"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[- rcReport has wrong table positions for runs [701-736]; the right correlation table between position and run will be circulated. Please reset runcontrol before starting a new run when you change conditions (table position, beam configuration, trigger, CU conf)
