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-philippe (CAL): completed analysis of yesterday on energy resolution, results are confirmed on all the tagged photon runs; at 0 and 30 degress the parametric method has a significant bias, and the resolution is worse than MC. The likelihood method show smaller bias, therefore a systematic error from the tagger can be excluded. Require confirmation of the beam energy spread and tagger resoultion by tagger people
-berrie: pion contamination in photon data, from pile-up and cerenkov inefficinecy; photons conversion efficiency in the TKR show how layer 15 has a reduced number of vertices wrt to MC
-Carmelo: layer 15 is known to have large number of bad strips, and looking back at e runs we realized that the spot we are hitting with photons at the center of tower 2 is actually a dead area; hard to see with photons but clear with electrons (and from old pisa data)

-claudia (TKR)

-eric (ACD)  |

-eric (ACD): analysis of last night runs with photons at 145 degrees show some activity in tile 4, but the spectrum seems compatible with a beam halo; more investigation going on to correlate with info from tkr and cal


- discussion on positron setup; discussed implications of layer thickness (trade-off between annihilation probability and brem contamination), running with ancillary CAL in the DAQ to tag energy of positrons radiating bremstrahlung photons before hitting the target, setup (dump, veto scintillator, target). Agreed that we would make a simple test tonight, keep setup simple, run w/o ancillary and collect quickly 1M positron and 1M electrons shooting through the ACD tiles at approx 45 degree. We will then check for difference offline and look for 2 gamma events as positron annihilation signature.



August 13 - 32-1-A24



proceed with photons at least until tomorrow afternoon, then consider proton runs for the swing and owl shift; make sure the positron setup is defined before tomorrow and be ready to prepare it on tuesday to run tuesday night
- positron setup: gary calculated annihilation probability to be maximum at 500mev; 1gev beam is still reasonable (0.4% events) and the beam has a smaller beam spot; will need to build pb brick wall with a hole for the MMS target (or equivalent 1mm al) to stop beam halo (cannot trigger on a donward scintillator as that would increase bremstrahlung background - need some thinking. Luca: S3 is currently used as a veto on S2 light guide, would not like to move it



August 12 - 32-1-A24


- running smoothly since yesterday, 2 CU positions completed at 2.5Gev, both tagged and full bream photons, 2 position completed at 1GeV tagged, currently running tagged photons at 0.5GeV with CU at 0 angle; 3rd position tagged photon by tonight, 3rd position full-brem at 2.5GeV for the owl shift. Running with 4 spills per supercycle since 1.3PM
- dump position: last night understood that 1GeV beam and 0.5GeV  beam have larger divergence and some photons hit the dump; larger statistics for the 1Gev tagged photons was requested to compensate; the same was observed today with straight e in the CU, displaying a clear cut in the beam spot. The effect is larger with photons as the brem - induced divergence (scales as m/p)  adds to the larger e beam divergenve. We removed the last pb brick wall from the dump, increasing the dump-beam distance to 11cm still keeping the unradiated beam within 23cm Pb (>6 moliere radii) when the magnet is ON. Online monitor with full AD + CU data proved critical to get this info in real time
- discussion for definition of 4th CU position: current agreement is to simulate albedo gammas by shooting gammas at 145 degrees in the tower 3 CAL; the impact point would be half way in the CAL, as having gammas too close to the TKR would give too poor an energy resolution, while shooting from the bottom of the CAL side would result in very few events making their way to the TKR. Philippe is concerned that we also get some tagged gammas in such configuration to cross-check the energy as the CU energy measurement would be very poor; suggestions were made to evaluate the possibility of placing the ACD tile currently on top on the side of tower 3, to be able to run background rejection cuts similar to the LAT ones. Luca to evaluate time to move ACD tile and contact Bill and Steve to check if this position is ok, or they feel other configurations should come before.



- agreed program here
- reduce shifters for owl to 2 for the next 3 nights as running full-brem is simple 



August 11 - 32-S-C22


- Running since this morning 9AM with 2 spills, 3 spills available since 2.30PM. Currently taking tagged photons from 1GeV e beam
- 60K evts of 2.5GeV e taken for reference after shutdown
- Sh became inefficient and empty events were triggering the si tagger; S3 is now isntalled as a veto over the S2 light-guide (Nicola M)
- verified feasibility of 500MeV beam: rate is ok but beam is larger, will have to verify if S3 veto is ok and final tagging rate
- CU position 2 defined as x=200, Y=0, Z=-48, angle = 30



 - Magnet failure: MNP17 colling system failure at 1AM stopped data taking for several hours but no damage on hardware. Physics restarted after 2 hours w/o silicon tagger for CAL calibrations. Magnet repaired in the morning
- CU cooling system changes: CU/ISC cooling coil in the ISC base plate leaked: it was emptied and is now non available, we will rely on top cooling coil as no intervention is possible; the chiller was moved closer to the ISC to minimize thermalization of coolant with ambient through thermal exchange with the zone air, now chiller more efficient;  fan added to cool XY table motors. Please look at the temperature during your shift

 Online Report

 - DAQ sync studies going on
- CU: Ric investigating phasing errors

 Offline Report

- pipeline  nicely running
- 1st 1000 evetns in SVAC ntuple duplicated  
- offline monitor requires script to parse rcReport info and link to MC files (Navid working on that)
- MC and CU cooprdinate systems mismatch (check with Philippe) 
- no CAL-HI triggers in last night data as  fhe values were saturated


 - Complete DAQ sync studies
- perform CU timing studies to optimize TACK (timing/script vs ext trigger manual delay)
- explore beam conditions 
- ACD calibrations (ideally 5gev p, if NA 5gev e) 
- CAL runs with e (Benoit)
- Tagger calibration start on 29 morning


 - Fill elogbook
- Take your shifts and launch runs yourself 
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="5f4a43aba0959acd-bcf69509-4d444362-8aff852a-f8e7d4d501f4e5ecc55dd03b"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[- rcReport has wrong table positions for runs [701-736]; the right correlation table between position and run will be circulated. Please reset runcontrol before starting a new run when you change conditions (table position, beam configuration, trigger, CU conf)
