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-Photon runs: completed position 1(0degree),2(30degree),3(50degree) both full brem and tagged with primary beam at 0.5,1,2.5GeV. currently taking events for position 2 in tagged mode with 1.75 gev primary beam to fully populate spectrum.
- position 4 for albedo (145 degree): tile 4 moved from top to side of cal 3; full-brem taken, 1gev primary beam tagged mode as well, 0.5 gev was too slow this morning (only 3 spills); will need to move tile 4 back to its original location prior to positron runs
- discussion for following photon runs: philippe request tagged mode, more configurations; energy spectrum can be sampled in a coarse way to the benefit of more configurations, as e recon studies are more sensitive to gemoetry (see bias from bill methos reported yesterday for example)


. Since photon runs in tagging mode are slower and benefit from 4th spill, Luca suggest we do them overnight and use the day for electron, proton, positrons; the only concern is that positrons require a setup that is not compatible with photon runs, so is must be scheduled properly

 Online&DAQ Report


-philippe (CAL)



- philippe: taggged photon spectrum has a whole around 650 MeV, would be nice to fill it with 1.5 or 1.75 gev primary beam tagged photons; compared different  energy recon algo for available data (not bruel methos as starts at 1gev): bill's method show a bias ranging from few to 10%; Pol method has a smaller bias but has a hard-coded limitation to 50 degress, therefore when this was realized some data were taken at 49 degrees (quicker than recompiling the code) so we have limited statistics (in the long run we just have to recompile the code and allow angle over 50).
- philippe: simulations going on to determine best impact point for position 4 (albedo): simulated 100,250,500,1000 mev photons and shooted in position 4 at each log: lower logs have more events (around 0.5%) that pass DC2 cuts for all energies, although behaviour is different for different energies; a position at around  log 7 would be the best trade-off


proceed with photons at least until tomorrow afternoon, then consider proton runs for the swing and owl shift; make sure the positron setup is defined before tomorrow and be ready to prepare it on tuesday to run tuesday nightthen consider proton runs for the swing and owl shift; make sure the positron setup is defined before tomorrow and be ready to prepare it on tuesday to run tuesday night
- positron setup: gary calculated annihilation probability to be maximum at 500mev; 1gev beam is still reasonable (0.4% events) and the beam has a smaller beam spot; will need to build pb brick wall with a hole for the MMS target (or equivalent 1mm al) to stop beam halo (cannot trigger on a donward scintillator as that would increase bremstrahlung background - need some thinking. Luca: S3 is currently used as a veto on S2 light guide, would not like to move it



August 12 - 32-1-A24



 - Magnet failure: MNP17 colling system failure at 1AM stopped data taking for several hours but no damage on hardware. Physics restarted after 2 hours w/o silicon tagger for CAL calibrations. Magnet repaired in the morning
- CU cooling system changes: CU/ISC cooling coil in the ISC base plate leaked: it was emptied and is now non available, we will rely on top cooling coil as no intervention is possible; the chiller was moved closer to the ISC to minimize thermalization of coolant with ambient through thermal exchange with the zone air, now chiller more efficient;  fan added to cool XY table motors. Please look at the temperature during your shift

 Online Report

 - DAQ sync studies going on
- CU: Ric investigating phasing errors

 Offline Report

- pipeline  nicely running
- 1st 1000 evetns in SVAC ntuple duplicated  
- offline monitor requires script to parse rcReport info and link to MC files (Navid working on that)
- MC and CU cooprdinate systems mismatch (check with Philippe) 
- no CAL-HI triggers in last night data as  fhe values were saturated


 - Complete DAQ sync studies
- perform CU timing studies to optimize TACK (timing/script vs ext trigger manual delay)
- explore beam conditions 
- ACD calibrations (ideally 5gev p, if NA 5gev e) 
- CAL runs with e (Benoit)
- Tagger calibration start on 29 morning


 - Fill elogbook
- Take your shifts and launch runs yourself 
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