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- Latency for full-brem runs is large due to caltuple merge, Luca to investigate with Francesco if pipeline can be coinfigured to link to merit and SVAC tuples before merging caltuple; the other option is to give up the CAL tuple (to be discussed with CAL people)
Offline monitor report (Claudia) - must transfer correct geometry in AD recon and check filling of si det of downstream tagger
Tagger calibration onnline report (Carmelo) - all is under control
Preliminary analysis of 1 full-brem run (Eduardo,Benoit PSF and Erecon, Gary)



 - Magnet failure: MNP17 colling system failure at 1AM stopped data taking for several hours but no damage on hardware. Physics restarted after 2 hours w/o silicon tagger for CAL calibrations. Magnet repaired in the morning
- CU cooling system changes: CU/ISC cooling coil in the ISC base plate leaked: it was emptied and is now non available, we will rely on top cooling coil as no intervention is possible; the chiller was moved closer to the ISC to minimize thermalization of coolant with ambient through thermal exchange with the zone air, now chiller more efficient;  fan added to cool XY table motors. Please look at the temperature during your shift

 Online Report

 - DAQ sync studies going on
- CU: Ric investigating phasing errors

 Offline Report

- pipeline  nicely running
- 1st 1000 evetns in SVAC ntuple duplicated  
- offline monitor requires script to parse rcReport info and link to MC files (Navid working on that)
- MC and CU cooprdinate systems mismatch (check with Philippe) 
- no CAL-HI triggers in last night data as  fhe values were saturated


 - Complete DAQ sync studies
- perform CU timing studies to optimize TACK (timing/script vs ext trigger manual delay)
- explore beam conditions 
- ACD calibrations (ideally 5gev p, if NA 5gev e) 
- CAL runs with e (Benoit)
- Tagger calibration start on 29 morning


 - Fill elogbook
- Take your shifts and launch runs yourself 
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="2cac5d2b54f1561d-1517d534-4b9942c4-9509a425-f0f3ee168aaa4a0af8030ae1"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[- rcReport has wrong table positions for runs [701-736]; the right correlation table between position and run will be circulated. Please reset runcontrol before starting a new run when you change conditions (table position, beam configuration, trigger, CU conf)
