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News from Richard:
Recent ETE2 a success although some config issues.  First time LAT
powered up from MOC.  See new eLog: Removed

Wiki Markup55-day run
New GR v11r13 with new GCRcalib (which does not quite compile) \
[Update: there are now new tags of GCRcalib and OnboardFilterTds which
should take care of the compilation problems.    A new GR will be tagged
later today once the current round of LATEST builds complete.\]
(Richard) \
* 7920 batch jobs complete (required redoing some number of crashes) \
* Vector exception in FluxAlg \
* Pointing history files have been produced (FT1) \
* Nicola Omodei is processing merit into FT2, adding diffuse response columns,   & creating
  & creating live-time cubes
Tony Johnson has released a new data portal for SC2 which includes
tabs to the DataCatalog for browsing/selecting data and an interface
to the data skimmer (formerly "pruner" & "peeler"):
But...while the interleave code is doing what we asked, it is not
doing what we want.    This has to do with the production & interleaving
of the albedo gammas.
Follow-on simulation: Next project is a full sky + background sim of
one complete downlink (3 hours).    Will try to get L0 files, pointing
history files (fes), restore pulsars (e.g. Vela), add GRB in FOV,
cosmic ray recon (GCRcalib).    Will advertise this run to the community
prior to run to get any last minute requests in.

Short News Items
Joanne requested that we make the facilities package build a shared
rather than a static library.  This change was tagged v2r14 and does
not seem to be causing problems for GR or ST in the LATEST builds.  We
will try to bring this new tag into GR soon.
G4 shared library problem in Windows: Tracy tracked this down to a
misnamed .dll file.  Fix will show up in installer soon.
Toby reports getting two versions of Geant from the Installer...?
Navid responds there are two IExternal versions for G4.
New ROOT 5.14g patch to fix bugs.  Heather has it running on Win/Lin,
expect it in upcoming GR and the "last" version of EM.

Event Collections
(Eric Charles)
Defining event collections using the new metaRooData package.  See
presentation: Removed
The idea is to tie together the various data which are currently
spread out across multiple root files (merit, recon, digi, GCRcalib,
etc.) into "event collections" (root files containing pointers to
files and events), and then to provide nice mechanisms for accessing
data indexed in this way.
