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Using a release

The xrootd tools used by FGST are in the release directory of the glastdat user. Sourcing the wk_env script will set the PATH to a release bin directory and set the PYTHONPATH for the python packages.

Code Block
 % cd /u/gl/glastdat/releases/admin/
 % . bin/wk_env

Running no many servers at the same time ScaRunOnHosts

The ScaRunOnHosts script will take a list of FGST xrootd servers and a command. It will ssh to all of the servers in the list and execute the command directly on the server. The basic usage is:


It should be run from a release as described above. The available options are:
-p : ssh to all host in parallel
-w : wait for all hosts do be done. Only useful with -p option.
-e : Setup the release environment on the remote host. With out this option the
command to be run has to be found in the default PATH of the glastdat
-s srv1,srv2,..,srvn : list of servers to run the command
-f <flist> : read server list from a file. The file is looked for in /afs/

Remove old recon files

The script is use to remove old recon files from a xrootd server. The script has hard coded into it the location of the list with the old recon files. It employs another script ( that does the work. Purging a file includes the following steps:
#) Check if file is on disk
#) compare files mtime with the one of the corresponding .lock file to find out if the file has been migrated to HPSS.
#) If the file is migrated check in HPSS if the file exists and compare file sizes.
#) remove file (and .lock file) if the check in HPSS succeeded.


Code Block
 % cd /u/gl/glastdat/releases/admin/
 % . bin/wk_env
 %  ScaRunOnHosts -s wain034 -e -r -- -l -n 20

Migration to HPSS

Migrate files using the daily file lists

Code Block
ScaRunOnHosts -f glast -e -r -- -b [-r] [-e]

The -r migrates the recon files, -e use the extra-backup file lists.

re-migrate a file

  1. Create a file, <file-list>, with filenames that need to be remigrated (/glast/....)
  2. Mark file on server as migratable (Linux):
    Code Block
     frm_admin mark -m /glast/Data/..... 
  3. Run migration
    Code Block  <file-list>