Getting Started with JSP2
This is a simple tutorial designed to introduce some of the key aspects of JSP's to Glast collborators. It is currently targeted at Windows users at SLAC.
The goal of this tutorial is to get users up and running quickly and with a minimum of overhead. As a result we use a minimum amount of tools, and we run programs from a network drive rather than installing them locally. As you learn more about JSP's you will eventually want to install the software locally and learn more about what tools are available to make the job easier.
Installing the tutorial software.
- Open
V:\GLAST Software\DataHandling\JSP Tutorial
- Double-click on Go and wait while software is copied
- In the resulting command window type:
cvs co users/tonyj/JSPExample
(give Unix password when prompted) Note If you are not a Glast user this will not work, instead type:xcopy /e /i /d /q "%JSP_HOME%\Software\users" users
cd users\tonyj\JSPExample
The first time maven is run it will download all required libraries, and build the example web application.
Starting the web server.
In the same command window as before type
- startup (starts tomcat web server in a separate window)
- With web browser go to: http://localhost:8084/ to verify that web server is running.
Deploy the example web application
- In original command window type
maven tomcat:install
- With web browser go to: http://localhost:8084/JSPExample/
Look at examples on web
Look at jsp pages which implement them in local directory
Try modifying and adding to the example web pages
Modify local pages using yoiur favorite editor. After editing the jsp pages redeploy them to the server using
maven tomcat:reload