Temperature Estimation Using Muon Pedestals

In order to estimate the temperature for some of the Beam test, an analysis was developed and is summarized as follows:

  1. Compare the difference in Muon pedestal distributions for a Muon run (the run to estimate the temperature foir) to two runs with known temperatures.
    In this analysis, the two runs 953 and 1602 were selected as refernce runs.
  2. From the slope of the distribution we estimate the temperature according to the equation:
    Ti = T953 + S × |T1602 - T953|
    Ti: Temperature of the i'th run
    T953: Temperature of run 953
    T1602: Temperature of run 1602
    S: Slope
    The first figure shows such distribution
  3. The above was done for 10 Muon runs, Runs 176 through 285. Tower 1 and 2 were selected
  4. To verify, this analysis was tested on 6 runs with known temperatures.


Results for the examined towers are shown here: 



Comparison to runs with know temperatures are shown here: 


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