If the Jupyter notebook server is not already open, do the following in the repository root to open the jupyter server

Open Jupyter notebook
ssh rdsrv314
#get the repo
git clone --recursive git@github.com:slaclab/epix-hr-m-320k.git  -b pre-release
cd epix-hr-m-320k/software/notebook 
#Activate environment
source ./setup_env.sh
#open Jupyter notebook

This should open a browser to the notebook. That is all.

If you want to Access the Jupyter notebook from your localhost,  copy the link., and run the following

Access Jupyter notebook from you local workstation
ssh -L 8888:localhost:8888 rdsrv314

Open a web browser on your local machine, and paste the link you copied above. You should see the notebook server html page.

If you wish to see the Rogue interface, run this command in the terminal of you local machine. For this to work, you should have already executed the basic start section of the jupyter notebook template.

See Rogue interface from localhost
python -m pyrogue gui --server='rdsrv314:9099'

Getting git updates

git pull origin pre-release
git submodule update
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