Built-in Geant4 commands can be used to toggle on or off processes defined by the current active physics list. In the deactivated state, the process will not be applied to any applicable particles.

This command lists the available processes that can be activated or deactivated.


For example, this command will deactivate Compton scattering for all particles.

/process/deactivate comp

This command turns it back on.

/process/activate comp

It is not currently possible in SLIC to activate or deactivate the processes for only certain particles or regions of the detector.

Deactivating Geant4 physics processes is not recommended. We do not support the analysis of events generated with deactivated physics processes.

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (speckmayer)

    Before being able to inactivate a process one has to load a physics list:


     and everything has to be initialized


     The correct command for deactivation of a process is
