Webex meeting for those not at SLAC: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/hpsg/Webex+connection+details



* QA L1-3 test run spares
* Internal/flex cabling update/discussion
* B-field test results and plans
* Signal flange board procurement
* FEB update
* RCE developments
* External cabling progress (box pic, box loc.)
* Power supply update
* Collaboration meeting agenda and mini-review charge


Sho reported that QA of spares of the test run half-modules for L1-3 are done. They all look as expected. 

We are ready to disassemble the test run detector to continue QA and half-module selection for L1-3. We'll start with L4 and L5 as they are expected to be selected and then continue to upstream layers.

=> Pelle will buy more alcohol and wipes for the cleaning
=>Tim will make sure there is space on the granite table. 

Internal cabling

Four mechanical flex designs are ready. Schematics are ready and Tung has started to work on layout. 

In parallel we are exploring the use of kapton insulated twisted pairs (same as used for Atlas IBL). We can use 28AWG for both signal and power. This depends on the availability of the wire, basically spare wire bought for Atlas. Electrically it seems promising as backup as flex circuits often need a few revision to get right. There are some concerns about the fragility of the wire and all the mechanical aspects has to be thought through (like service loop). 

There was also a discussion about concerns about the heating of the wire due to the power; we should follow up on that.

=> Kapton wire solution: Dave was gonna find out how much of the kapton wire is  available and if there is enough try to get a bundle for mechanical tests.
=> Flex: We should try to go to vendors with outline and start the process, even if we don't have a full layout, to see what initial reactions are. 
=> Flex: We need to decide how much work Tung should do on flex now while we explore alternatives  

FEB and B-field test update

After careful analysis by Omar it was verified that the B-field tests are inconclusive due to flaky DAQ setup. Given that we couldn't conclude that we saw an effect of the B-field we think we are ok but we cannot say to 100% that there is no effect. We decided that we should focus on getting the DAQ stable and if we have time we will come back and redo the test. There is a single run where the magnet tripped which we should look at and see if there was an effect. 

=> Omar should look at the run (last one I think) were the magnet tripped to see if there was an effect on the baseline and noise. 
=> Ben will focus on getting the DAQ more stable.

External cabling and power supplies

HV modules have  arrived. Pelle has a borrowed crate and a couple of LV modules. Ready for testing.

Cables from PS to breakout box are made and tested, breakout box is made and tested and long cables are ready on Monday. 

=> Decision on where to put the breakout box at the flanges is needed to proceed with those cables that connect to the cables. 




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