Switching to std::unique_ptr instead of bare pointers? — All
ECAL Calorimeter:
Need to implement the small offsets that come from the survey.
Scoring plane is too far forward.
Need a new detector to incorporate these changes: Modify current or create new detector?
Update the detector, currently at V1.
Currently, the compact.xml does not reproduce the LCDD files that were created. This is for the 0.7 etc files.
We need to start doing some MC on the updated geometry.
Some work may be needed for the RF. Fit needs to be improved. This will require some software updates (evio->LCIO).
Hodoscope geometry looks fine.
We will need to, eventually, compare the hodoscope outline against tracking.
Currently writing objects twice: CalHit and Generic Object.
The CalHit was missing the position information: ix, iy, layer.
Want to add a link between cluster object and hit objects.
Rafo is looking at the gains for different runs. There is luminosity dependence. Constants to DB.
Norman is continuing work on the SVT alignment.
Local measurement is not persisted.
Working on some infrastructure for getting the local position correctly.
Millipede ID indexing issue is fixed. - Already merged.
Dusting off the 2016/2016 procedures for getting the alignment parameters. Alexandra is working on procedures, scripts. Update at Collaboration Meeting.