
  1. ECAL corrected energy fix                                                            — Norman / Nathan
    1. Latest code fixes on master? Pull request.
  2. Other Pull requests 
    1. Needed for next pass?
  3. Reviving the DQM?                                                                      — Everyone
    1. Maintainer/Guardian needed!
  4. Update on Hodoscope code                                                         — Kyle
    1. What still needs to be done to get this up and running.
    2. Anything slowing this down?
  5. DST - update, what do we want?                                                  — Maurik, All
    1. Do we want to run the DST with passX of 2016 data?
    2. If so, which DST?
    3. Do we run Tuple maker?
    4. Do we significantly slim down the LCIO?
    5. All these questions are also valid for the 2019 data, so this will start the discussion.
  6. AOB/Questions


Action items:



DQM - We need this, and we need someone in charge. Cameron feels to busy, but may be able to help later.

  • DQM could use some of the integration test automated checking of histograms.

Kyle - Matt G will check Kyle's code to ready it for merge.'

Norman's summary on SLACK:

normangraf [12:42 AM]
nb: What follows are my personal impressions from the meeting plus opinions.

We will create root-based DSTs for passX. @maurik has assumed responsibility for updating the legacy dstmaker to accommodate the new collections, etc. This will take some time to finish and my opinion is that we need not wait for that to start the run. We can add the dst-making when it's ready, and stage and back-process any data already reconstructed before it was ready. I believe @Omar Moreno intends to continue to develop hpstr as an analysis platform.

The tuple-maker will be run as part of the next pass. (edited)
Creating slimmed-down LCIO DSTs will not be part of this pass, but should, in my opinion, be developed for the 2019 run.
@mccaky requested assistance in reviewing the SVT readout simulation in his new framework. @theoriginalmatt agreed to help.


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