1pm Eastern time

Room B101 in B-wing at JLab




At JLab: Ani, F.-X., Stepan, Hovanes

At SLAC: Takashi, Pelle

In Glasgow: Bryan

SVT Motors
SVT voltages
  • Hovanes updated on the status of the EPICS IOC for SVT voltages. Current the IOC has
    • Bias voltages
    • FE low voltages
    • Flange low voltages
  • Still missing the hybrid LVs. They will not be connected to any MPOD crates, but will be dummy records in the future to be replaced by the channels from DAQ CA server.
  • Ani showed the status of the alarm handler. She has  a script which reads the SQLite file and based on the entries in the file generates the alarm tree. The groups and channels have guidance buttons and associated action buttons.
  • Bryan already sent Ani some MEDM files that she will attached to the associated action buttons on the alarm screens. 

Action Items

  • Hovanes will send the motor cable to Takashi once it is ready. He will also sent the description of the mating connector pinout.
  • Hovanes will implement fake records for the hybrid low voltages on the SVT voltage IOC.
  • Ani will modify the alarm screens to launch the MEDM screens for individual voltage channels
  • F.-X. will send a drawing with the location of the motors to Krister. (from previous meetings)
  • Pelle will find out when the SVT full test at SLAC will take place and let Bryan know. (from previous meetings)


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