
  • PII-125@jira - Modify all APIs to use long integers to represent primary key values
  • PII-169@jira - During restart, Server should requeue process instances left in 'queued' state by previous server instance


  • PII-49@jira - Add utility functions to pipeline script object to support querying of stream (status, etc.) information.
  • PII-85@jira - Need user documentation for the pipeline utilty functions available to jython and command line
  • PII-154@jira - It should be easier to create subtasks from a batch job

New Feature

  • PII-164@jira - User shouldn't have to create a DB connection to create a Client object.


  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Note that we moved the basepath for the PROD server 'working directory' location from '/nfs/farm/g/glast/u15/pipeline-II/' to '/nfs/farm/g/glast/u15/pipeline-II/prod/'.