As usual we have the Glast III conference room and vrvs crab room reserved for 10am PST friday.


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  1. Suggestsions for pipeline plots from Richard:

    Here are some quick thoughts for further diagnostics:

    • various times, for latency studies - time between createRun and submit to batchsub; submit to batchsub to submitted to batch; time in pending queue; running time; total latency from createRun to end of last step of a run.
    • can we get our hands on dataset sizes? Would be nice to plot individual sizes and totals.
    • I could imagine some strip charts vs time for overall monitoring, but I don't know if JAS could handle that - eg # jobs running vs time - you can find out how many are running at any given time, but can JAS keep a memory of the past times?

    Will we end up with a tabbed interface as for the system tests? I can imagine a fair number of plots being generated...

  2. Suggestions for pipeline improvements from Bryson:

    Could the PFE provide an interface that would allow suitably-authenticated users to perform rollbackFailedRun or even deleteRun operations?