The code below (run against DEV) constructs a DataCatClient object and uses it to query DIGI and RECON files from the L1Proc folder, recursively.  It currently returns 332 datasets.  I then loop over the datasets and print their index in the list, their name, and their site/location information.

The Dataset object is a simple wrapper around the information in a dataset record:

public interface Dataset {

   public String getName();

   public String getDataType();

   public String getFileFormat();

   public Set<String> getSites();

   public String getLocation(String site); } 

A dataset record in the database actually has more fields than this but they are not yet filled.  When they are (soon) this interface will be expanded. 

  Here's the sample code:

DataCatClient client; try {
         client = new DataCatClient(DataCatConnectionManager.DatabaseServerAlias.DEV);
         System.out.println("getting datasets...");
         List<Dataset> dsList = client.getDatasets("/L1Proc/*", "DataType == \"DIGI\" || DataType == \"RECON\"");
         System.out.println("got datasets...");
         long i=1;
         System.out.println("Query returned " + dsList.size() + " dataset entries...");
         for (Dataset ds : dsList) {
         	System.out.println(i+\+ + " " + ds.getName() + ":");
            	for (String site : ds.getSites())
			System.out.println("\t" + site + ": \t" + ds.getLocation(site));
} catch (SQLException ex) {
         System.out.println("Couldn't connect");
  • No labels