Blog from November, 2012


Max is deploying some new versions of the login filter/group manager. The current applications will no longer work with the new version of the group manager, so applications needed to be updated. The datacatalog and pipeline versions in subversion have had some bug fixes. 

I had to back out of the previous version of the pipeline front end ( ) after some problems with Oracle were found. Those problems have since been fixed. This version that will be released is 3.2.1. That release had some large changes (most notably, caching for the main page to dramatically speed up load time). Those changes will be in this version.

The datacatalog has had very few changes since the last release. It's version will be 1.10.


Pipeline front end from 3.0 to 3.2.1.

Datacatalog front end from 1.10-SNAPSHOT (Actually just 1.9 with a fix) to 1.10.

Everything is backed up in case we need to back out.