Blog from May, 2009

Reason for change

This is a request to upgrade the xrootd client tools from version 20080728-0933v1 to 20090202-1402v2.
In the new version xrdcp is able to overwrite a file that is located on a data server that has no space left. The current xrdcp will fail in this case.


The new version has been installed in the Fermi xrootd application area and is available through the DEV link. All tools xrdcp,, xrdls and
xrdprel were tested against the test and production xrootd server.


The client version is rolled back by recreating the link to the old version.

CCB Request


The current xrdcp version will fail to overwrite a file that is on a data server that has no free space left. It will fail because the redirector will not redirect the client. The new xrdcp version however will first remove the file and then write it to a new server.

The other client tools have not been changed except for which an option to remove a directory tree has been added which is currently not applicable for the production xrootd.

In order to update the version the link /afs/ has to be changed to point to dist/20090202-1402v2/@sys

Reason for change

The xrootd redirectors are configured to forward a file remove request to all of its data server. Therefore we would like to configure the redirectors so that clients have to authenticate them self and only one production account is authorized to remove files.


The Fermi xrootd test setup was configured to use authentication/authorization for the redirectors and data servers:
1) only glastxrw was allowed to remove files (through redirector or data server)
2) all clients were allowed to read/write files if connected to redirector
3) only Fermi users are allowed to read files from the data servers
4) only Fermi production accounts are allowed to write files

These rules were tested using the four accounts one being a Fermi user (read-only access), a production account, the account that that has privileges to remove files and a non Fermi
user account.


The configuration can be rolled back by using the previous xrootd configuration and authorization. A restart of the xrootd redirectors is needed.

CCB Request


Authentication and authorization is required for all of the xrootd data server in order to restrict access to the Fermi data to Fermi members only. Write and remove privileges are granted to production accounts only. No restrictions were needed for the redirectors as all they did was to redirect clients to the data server.

The redirectors got reconfigured so that they are able to remove files and therefore authentication and authorization has to be enabled.
The same authentication scheme as used for the data servers will be used and the authorization will be very simple:
1. All users are allowed to read and write files (this is later restricted by the data servers)
2. Only glastxrw is allowed to remove files

For the data servers we would like to change the authorization so that only the glastxrw user is able to remove files (so far other production accounts are also allowed).

After changing the authorization files and xrootd config file the xrootd on the redirectors have to be restarted in order to activate the changes.
The data server do not need to be restarted as they reread the authorization file periodically.

2.3.3 fixes a bug that prevents (large) dataset searches issued from the linemode client from completing.

See for details.