Blog from June, 2008


* Install org-glast-datahandling-common (version 2.2.1) to PROD.

* Install org-glast-pipeline-server (version 1.2.4) to PROD.

* Modify PROD pipeline startup script to use version 1.2.4

* Restart PROD


Fixes a bug in parsing HalfPipe MET variables.

Rollback Procedure:

Simple -- Return server start-up script to version 1.2.3

Associated Jira:



Pipeline 1.2.4

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  • Install org.glast.datacat.sp package (version 2.1) to PROD.


Fixes a bug that prevents meta-data replacement from working in current DataCat Web Front End release.

Rollback Procedure:

Re-upload Data Catalog Stored procedures tagged v2r0. 

Associated Jira:



Pipeline 1.2.4

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  • Remove Data Catalog folders for tasks that are being purged from disk.
  • Remove Task definitions from Pipeline Database.
  • Compile a list of, and delete, empty folders and groups from the Data Catalog.


Monte Carlo datasets are being removed from disk to make room for real data.  Need to clean up the associated data catalog entries.  Cleaning up other empty folders and groups will make the data catalog tree easier to browse, and make some of the queries faster.

Rollback Procedure:


Associated Jira:


Reason for change

The pipeline release contains a bug-fix that remedies a problem with streams being left in the 'waiting' state when they have successfully completed processing. It also depends on the new version of the Data Catalog Client library which has improved (~20x faster) dataset searching capabilities. The speed increase is obtained by using the new versioned tables directly instead of the views that were created to allow existing software to continue to work with the old dataset model.

Test Procedure

These changes have been tested in DEV and TEST. ASP-'like' tasks have tested the dataset-searching code against the PROD data catalog. L1Proc has been used to verify the status-setting code changes work.

Rollback procedure

This upgrade requires that the pipeline stored procedures be reinstalled, and the new libraries be used. To rollback, we can simply reinstall the previous (1.2.2) version of the stored procedures and back out to the 1.2.2 pipeline release (2.0.1 datacat-client release.)

Related JIRA



DataCatalog 2.0.2

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Pipeline 1.2.3

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Reason for change

We would like to deploy a new xrootd version switching from 20080513-1222 to 20080531-0714p1.
The new version contains a few fixes:

  1. Allow removing files via the redirector from data servers that are filled (GXR-37@JIRA)
  2. Allow collection of xrootd statistics by Ganglia (GXR-38@JIRA)
  3. Fixes a bug that could cause the redirector cmsd to crash if a suspended data server connects
    to quickly again.

Besides that the new version contains only minor changes.


The standard tests for a new xrootd release have been done:
reading and writing files with xrdcp,
client admin tools like stat, rm files and create and remove directories.

The new version has been installed as a test version on the glast xrootd cluster which allows
access to the glast data. Tests were done to access the data using the test xrootd.


The old xrootd version can be re-activated and restarted. The xrootd configuration file has to be rolled back. It will take about 5 minutes to do the roll back

CCB Jira



Only the xrootd version running on the xrootd cluster will be changed. The version that clients are using out of the application area (/afs/ will not be changed.

No outage is required for installing the new version the procedure will be:

  1. Update xrootd configuration file (for ganglia monitoring)
  2. activate the new version on all xrootd servers (just updates a link that points to
    the new version)
  3. restart the redirectors
  4. restart the data servers

The restart it self will take a couple of minutes and should not affect any client.


Only the xrootd version running on the xrootd cluster will be changed. The version that clients are using out of the application area (/afs/ will not be changed.

No outage is required for installing the new version the procedure will be:

  1. Update xrootd configuration file (for ganglia monitoring)
  2. activate the new version on all xrootd servers (just updates a link that points to
    the new version)
  3. restart the redirectors
  4. restart the data servers

The restart it self will take a couple of minutes and should not affect any client.

Reason for Change:

The previous versions of the pipeline server contained an old version of the RunQuality plugin. This release will upgrade it to 1.0. We will also release the pipeline front-end which has been in use in DEV for sometime, with a few bug fixes and enhancements for monitoring and diagnostics.

Test Procedure:

Changes have been tested in DEV.

Rollback Procedure:

Normal rollback procedure.

Related JIRA



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Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.