The Data Handling Group met on March 28, 2008
Oracle Database Update
- Pipeline server is capable of handling 2000 running jobs with no other DB load
- Adding Trending Ingest causes 'commit' operations to slow down
- SCCS has a couple configuration changes that may solve this
- SCCS takes the machines today for fail-over configuration and testing
- We will continue to apply load for them during this process
- Installation 4/8/2008 if all goes to plan
Upcoming CCB action requests
- The following are currently installed in DEV in anticipation of release to PROD
- Pipeline Client 1.0.2
- Pipeline Server 1.0.1
- Pipeline Front End 2.5.1
- Details
Infrastructure "Expert Shifts"
- Discussion of "how,who,when" is ongoing
- Goal is to have a go-to person (for emergencies) available 24/7 who is capable of fixing a problem or assessing it and contacting the expert who can.