The Data Handling Group did not meet on 2007-03-02 (in deference to the collaboration meeting at Goddard.)
- A new Pipeline II Database instance GLASTTEST is being created on glast-oracle02.
- ETA sometime next week -- SLAC DBA on vacation this week.
Data Server
- Igor Pavlin is debugging the data portal skimmer task and cleaning up the web interface.
- Development is now refocused on the Data Catalog for the next release. (see Jira roadmap, version 0.7) Major new features:
- A line mode client to allow manual insertion of Dataset records
- Dataset selection based on meta-data queries
- Improved browsing of the catalog hierarchy
- Remote site and XRoot support
- Cluadia Levalley is ready to start testing remote job submission from SLAC. She will be using the new TEST database as soon as it is available.