Attendees:  Joanne Bogart, Toby Burnett, Jim Chiang, Richard Dubois, Karen Heidenreich,  Heather Kelly, Chuck Patterson, Leon Rochester, Tom Stephens


All agreed we should settle on one naming convention for the types of builds.  We decided to stick with the LATEST, HEAD, RELEASE nomenclature, mostly due to its use in the tags we apply to the code in CVS.

Jim C asked that Tom's debugging statements added to the compile output be retained.  It is helpful.

The existing log of compile and unit test output is difficult to read, as it is copied into a column in the web page table.  Instead, Karen will pursue providing a link and a pop-up that displays the output without reformatting it from what is in the DB tables.

We looked at the existing CMT RM web pages.  The number of warnings and compile times would be nice to keep.  Counting the number of warnings would require parsing the SCons compile output.  Toby points out that the bit concerning "printing failed nodes" is code we added to SCons, so we could insert parsing there.  The compile time is really the time taken to compile the whole ST, not each package individually.  Jim also mentioned his desire for the dependency tree for failures.  That is non-trivial but perhaps we could track that through the build products.

Richard expressed his desire for the  RM summary which tells us which types of builds are running.  Tom explained that in SCons this is more of a grid.  After the SCons RMII came back up - we found we could obtain this information on the opening page with some clicks.  Perhaps we can consider presenting this by default again in a more succinct fashion.

Jim wants a version of the red dot summary.  At this point, only RMViewer offers such a thing.

Jim had sent around his wish list:

  • Main entry page
    •   Start times for builds
    •   Columns for builds, with status indicators, e.g., building, finished, failed
    •   6 types of builds, two symbols in each column (upper for debug, lower for optimized)
    •   Make the symbols live links that one can click on to get the details
  • Specific build pages
    •   List of failed unit tests
    •   Links to formatted unit test output
    •   Build and unit test statistics:
      •     Compile times
      •     Number of compiler warnings
      •     Unit test execution times
    •   Package dependency graph showing the failure paths
  • Red dot summary page

Action Items

  • Tom will provide Karen example MySQL queries to extract summaries of build and unit test successes and failures
  • Karen will provide a link to the compile and unit test output in the build tables, rather than copying them directly into the tables which makes the logs difficult to read.
  • A mock-up for the desired RMII opening web page will be provided to Karen - Jim, Tom, Joanne, Heather
    Should include starting build times
  • Tom will look into keeping track of unit test execution times in the SCons RM.
  • Nicknames for the various OS/compiler combinations will be provided and added as an additional field to the SCons database tables - Joanne and Tom
  • Karen will then use the nicknames in the RMII web page.
  • Tom and Joanne will look into providing dependency tree details from builds.
  • No labels