The official instructions are here: VPN

If you are using the VPN only to access the Stanford journal collection from home, you do not need a VPN.  See the instructions below.


1) Download the Cisco AnyConnect client. 

2) Install the AnyConnect client via:

sudo ./
sudo ./

From within the vpn and dart directories respectively.

2) Install clamav (this is the required Linux anti-virus software)

sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon

3) Start clamav

sudo systemctl start clamav-freshclam

4) Open AnyConnect client via:


Then follow the connection instructions above.


1) Follow the link
This will take you through steps to download the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.

2) Get CrowdStrike Anti-Virus Software - some anti-virus is required for MAC.

3) Follow the connection instructions here to connect using the Cisco AnyConnect Client: VPN

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