SiD Vertexing Design Study Group
Recent meetings
- WWS VXD review Oct/07 at FNAL, ALCPG Oct/2007 FNAL
- Vertex-07 (Lake Placid, Sep/07)
- LCWS 2007 Hamburg, May/07)
- SiD Meeting (FNAL Apr/07)
- WWS R&D panel tracking review (Beijing Feb/07)
- SiD Agenda,ILC agenda,LCD meetings
- Tracking meeting,[2004-2006 meeting archive], old 2004 meeting page
- Vertex Detector Mecahnical Design Meetings
- SiD Hypernews Forums,VXD Design Hypernews
Design Documents and Activities
- SiD DOD writeup drop box*,* template zip file
- Snowmass-2005 SiD vertexing report (draft), Design issues and tasks for Snowmass-05
- Current Geometry (SiDMay06-DOD),May06-update-note,SiDAug05
- Vertex tracking material (SiDMay06-DOD)*,* SiDAug05
- Vertexing and tracking resolution study
- GEANT Descriptions: sidmay06-DOD (xml), sidaug05,sidmay05
Physics, Simulation, Reconstruction and Analysis Software
- Vertexing related physics benchmarks
- The general LC simulation LCSIM page
- Java Analysis Studio (JAS)
- Reconstruction and vertexing analysis software
Links to Participating Groups / Projects
- Linear Collider Flavour Identification (LCFI) collaboration, UK
- Nick Sinev's ILC page on CCDs, simulation and tracking studies\
- "Developments and Applications of High Performance CCD and CMOS Imaging Arrays", J. Janesick and G.Putnam, Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, Vol 53, p263, 2003.
- "Charge-Coupled Devices as Particle Tracking Detectors", C.J.S.Damerell, Rev. Sci. Instr. 69 (1998), 1549.
- "Design and Performance of the SLD Vertex Detector, A 307Mpixel Tracking System", K.Abe et al., NIM A400, p287 (1997), SLAC-PUB-7385.
- "A Topological Vertex Reconstruction Algorithm for Hadronic Jets", D.J.Jackson, NIM A388, p247 (1997),SLAC-PUB-7215.
- "Vertex Detectors: The State of the Art and Future Prospects", C.J.S.Damerell, RAL-P-95-008, SSI95-5.
- "Straggling in Thin Silicon Detectors", H. Bichsel, Rev. Mod. Phys. 60, p663 (1988).
(please let me know if you know other good general articles)
Workshops/Conferences and Presentations
- Valencia ECFA LC workshop (Nov/06)
- SiD Meeting (SLAC Oct/06)*,* tracking/vertexing session
- Vancouver ALCPG LC workshop (Jul/06)
- Ringberg castle vertex detector workshop
- LCWS06 Tracking and Vertexing session
- Special Tracking/Vertexing meetings at SLAC, Jan/25-27/2006
- SiD meeting at FNAL Dec/15-16/05*,*Agenda
- LCWS 2006, Tracking and Vertexing session
- Snowmass 2005,Sid Tracking/Vertexing Related Sessions
- LCWS05, Mar/05, Stanford
- 7th ACFA LC workshop, Nov/04, Taipei
- EFCA LC workshop, Sep/04, Durham
- American LC workshop, July/04, Victoria
- LCWS04, Apr/04, Paris
Other Links
Contact: Su Dong