The Silicon Detector (SiD) Design Study will hold a workshop at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory on Wednesday-Friday, January 16-18, 2013, concluding at lunch time on Friday.
Register for the SiD January Wokshop
The workshop has two purposes: The first will be to review the final draft of the SiD Detailed Baseline Design report prior to its formal submission in late January, hearing the latest updates of ongoing detector R&D, physics benchmarking studies, and the ILC accelerator development. Equally important will be planning for the SiD Concept’s future, including its participation in the 2013 “Snowmass” process, future detector R&D, and the next steps in detector preparation.
Thanks to the Higgs discovery and the Japanese interest in ILC, this is an important year for the linear collider. It is critical that the physics and detector case for a future linear collider be made loud and clear at Snowmass, and that SiD support this effort. Everyone interested in these developments and interested in learning more about and participating in the SiD detector concept studies, is welcome to attend.
The meeting will be held on the SLAC campus in the Redwood Rooms C&D of the ROB and, on the last day, in the KIPAC Auditorium. We'll ask for modest donations from all participants at the time of the meeting to cover the cost of refreshments. A workshop dinner will be scheduled for Thursday, January 17, details TBA. We'll collect money for the dinner at the meeting, but would like to know if you plan to attend ahead of time, when you register.
Registration for the SiD Workshop is now open. All are welcome! We have reserved rooms at the SLAC Guest House for the meeting. Make your reservations there as soon as you can, since it fills up fast.
Dear Colleagues,
Please register now for the SiD Workshop at SLAC, which will take place on August 21-23 in the KIPAC Auditorium at SLAC. See
This workshop comes at a very propitious time. The discovery of the Higgs is upon us; the Japanese are expressing interest in hosting the ILC; work on CLIC is proceeding apace at CERN; and future plans for our field are being actively formulated in all three regions.
One main purpose of the workshop will be to review the first draft of the SiD Detailed Baseline Design, the companion to the ILC Technical Report, which is due to be completed by December 2012. These documents will constitute an effective proposal to the world community for the ILC.
The Workshop will also review the exciting physics developments from LHC, examine the case for the linear collider in light of these discoveries, and get updates on ILC and CLIC accelerator developments. In addition there will be highlights of ongoing detector R&D, reports on physics benchmark studies, discussion of future linear collider plans, and discussion of SiD's future beyond the DBD. A tentative agenda should be posted on the website in a week.
As you register, please do sign up for the Workshop dinner, which will take place the evening of August 22 at Trellis Restaurant in Menlo Park. We need to get a reliable estimate of how many people will be attending the dinner for planning purposes, so please do sign up if you can come. We'll collect cash for the dinner (~$50/head) at the Workshop. We'll ask for modest donations at the time of the meeting to cover the costs of refreshments.
Do make plans for accommodations soon. Unfortunately, rooms at the SLAC Guest House are only available for the 20th and 21st, thanks to the SLAC anniversary celebration. Roughly 20 rooms for those nights have been reserved. We have also reserved rooms for August 20-23 at the Creekside Inn in Palo Alto. More motels/hotels are given in the attached listings.
We look forward to seeing all those interested in SiD and the recent developments with linear colliders at the Workshop.
Yours for SiD,
John Jaros, Harry Weerts, and Andy White
The Silicon Detector (SiD) Design Study will hold its next workshop at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory on Wednesday-Friday, December 14-16, 2011.
University of Oregon in Eugene, OR November 15-17, 2010
The principal focus of the meeting will be the preparation of the SiD Detailed Baseline Design -
the next critical milestone in the development of the ILC Accelerator and Detector Concepts.
All SiD colleagues, and especially potential new colleagues, are strongly encouraged to attend
and contribute ideas, and participate in the evolution of the SiD DBD due in late 2012.
Please refer to the following for information regarding the Workshop:
and to:
for information on accommodation. PLEASE NOTE that the deadline for reservations is
OCTOBER 31, 2010.
The registration fee will include lunches, breaks, and a collaboration dinner.
Registration details and a draft agenda will be released shortly.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Workshop!
Jim Brau, John Jaros, Harry Weerts and Andy White
for the SiD Detector Concept
Dear SiD Supporters,
The next SiD Workshop will be held at Argonne National Laboratory on June 3-5, 2010.
Everyone participating in SiD, in work towards ILC and/or CLIC, as well as those interested in
joining and learning more about SiD, are welcome to attend and urged to register and make
travel and accommodation plans.
The Workshop will focus on progress towards preparing the SiD CDR for ILC for the end of 2012
and contributions to the CLIC CDR to be completed by April 2011. In particular, the status of
both directions will be presented and discussed, there will be plenty of opportunity for
presenting ongoing R&D efforts, progress on PFAs, simulation of subsystems and integrated detector
performance, benchmarking as well as review of plans for the next two years.
Please see for information and registration.
Hope to see you at Argonne in June!
Harry Weerts and John Jaros
For SiD
SiD LoI Presentations at TILC09
September 29 - October 2 2009
Friday April 17th through Tuesday April 21st, 2009 at EPOCHAL Tsukuba in Tsukuba City, Japan tilc09
The Silicon Detector Design Study will hold a Workshop at SLAC on March 2-4, 2009 to finalize the SiD LoI, review and discuss the R&D required for a viable SiD proposal, and plan SiD's future.
Everyone participating in the SiD Letter of Intent and beginning work on SiD's Technical Design Phase is encouraged to come. Newcomers, interested in learning more about SiD and working on the next steps, are most welcome.
You can register for the workshop here and you can sign up for the collaboration Dinner here
SiD Meeting at LCWS08 Saturday, November 15,2008
The SiD Design Study will hold a meeting on Saturday, November 15, the day prior to the beginning of LCWS08. Everyone interested in learning more about SiD and participating in preparing the SiD LOI is welcome.
We plan to review progress in MC generation, reconstruction, and benchmarking studies; review the latest SiD R&D and engineering designs; and discuss our progress toward writing the SiD LOI.
We ask those planning to come to register, to help with our planning for the meeting.
Further details about the meeting, and a meeting agenda, will be forthcoming.
LCWS08 Saturday, November 15,2008
More information will be added soon.
September 17-19 2008 Boulder, Colorado
Additional Information to follow
Information on the upcoming SiD Session at the Warsaw ECFA
Call for Expression of Interest
March 11, 2008
The International Linear Collider Steering Committee of ICFA decided on February 11 to modify last October's call for Letters of Intent (LOIs) for ILC detectors in accordance with the new timeline of the Global Design Effort (GDE). The detectors are to be implemented in the ILC technical design, which will be completed in 2012. Given the stretched out GDE replan, the due date of the LOIs is shifted by one-half year to March 31, 2009. The submitted LOIs will be reviewed and, if successful, validated by the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) to go on to the technical design phase. This changes the original plan to specifically select two LOIs for an engineering design phase. The IDAG membership is now complete, and it will meet during the Warsaw ECFA Workshop in June.
Many activities need to be started soon and we wish to organize these with the future LOI groups during this year. In order to identify the groups which will submit LOIs, we call for an Expression of Interest (EOI). The EOI should state that the group is planning to submit an LOI and list the names of current participating institutions. We request two names of contact persons who will participate in the Physics and Detector Board representing the group. The LOI groups are expected to study the benchmark reactions
selected by the WWS software group in order to demonstrate the performance of their detector. The LOI groups are also required to contribute to the common task teams, which will work on issues of common interest to all LOI groups. They are for the moment:
Machine Detector Interface, Engineering Tools,
Detector R&D Panel, Software Panel, Physics Panel.
The IDAG will wish to have presentations of the LOI groups when it meets during the upcoming liner collider workshops, beginning with Warsaw, to be informed of the status of the groups.
The EOI can be sent by E-mail to the address below by the end of March 2008.
Yours sincerely,
Sakue Yamada
Research Director of ILC
The two contact persons are independent of the number of the leading figures of each group. Two names are preferred, rather than one, for the practical reason that at least one member is surely present for every meeting.
This will be posted at under Physics and Detector Studies of the ILC.