Download lcgeo from GitHub (delete any older installation of lcgeo, if the case)

git clone 

Configure ILCSoft v02-00-02

cd lcgeo
mkdir build
cd build
source /cvmfs/

Then compile lcgeo with

rm ../plugins/LinearSortingPolicy.cpp
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=`which g++` -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=`which gcc` -C $ILCSOFT/ILCSoft.cmake ..
make -w -j4 install

Setup lcgeo

cd ..
source bin/

If you want, you can visualise the model with

geoDisplay SiD/compact/SiD_o2_v03/SiD_o2_v03.xml

and check volume overlaps with the TGeo command (while in ROOT):

root [0] gGeoManager->CheckOverlaps(0.01);

Run simulation with the SiD_o2_v03 model, e.g.

ddsim --compactFile SiD/compact/SiD_o2_v03/SiD_o2_v03.xml --runType batch --inputFile example/mcparticles.slcio --outputFile=testSiD_o2_v03.slcio --numberOfEvents 100

Check the output, e.g.

anajob testSiD_o2_v03.slcio
dumpevent testSiD_o2_v03.slcio 1
To test reconstruction, first download this example XML: SiDReconstruction_o2_v03_calib1ct2.xml

Edit it to use the above testSiD_o2_v03.slcio as input file and point to the correct PandoraSettings*, gear XML, etc. 

Then run

Check reconstructed file with, for example
anajob  tracksSiD_o2_v03.slcio
dumpevent tracksSiD_o2_v03.slcio 1
*The gear and Pandora settings XMLs are attached below in case you do not have them already. Please adjust the paths to point to the correct likelihood files, etc. 


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