Blog from January, 2005

A new version of the system tests front-end (0.7) is installed.

See the release notes for more information.

A new version of the system tests front-end (0.6) is installed.

See the release notes for more information.

Another new version of the system tests prototype front-end is now available at:

Thanks to Max Turri the statistics tab is now working, and it is now possible to switch between release tests and engineering model tests. In addition log-on is now supported, using Matt's CAS server. Currently you can only log-on if you are inside the SLAC firewall, and there are no extra features available to logged on users, but those issues will be addressed soon.

In addition a new Jira project has been set up, to track changes and feature/bug requests. You can access it at:

Another iteration of the prototype system tests iteration is available at

The main change is that an initial implementation of plotting is now available.

Prototype updates

There are now two prototype systems, one being put together by Tony and one by Matt. We are trying to coordinate to not duplicate too much effort, and will choose the best aspects of each system. They can be found at:

New features are being added to both systems for a few more days, then we will start the merge process, and aim to have a working system by 15th January.

Prototype System Tests

A temporary page has been set up for prototyping ideas for the new system tests pages. It can be accessed at: