
The extension should not be in list of parameters. At worst the tool should
ask for the NAME of the extension at not care about the position of the
extension. If there are two extensions that you have to worry about then
we should use the FTOOLS standard and put this on the input file e.g.
fselect infile[ext#] outfile expr

emin = 30 Minimum energy (MeV) (min=20, max=3e5)
emax = 200000 Maximum energy (MeV) (min=20, max=3e5)
nenergies = 2 Number of energy bounds (min=2, max=40)
ra = 187.7059304 Right Ascension of map center (degrees) (min=0, max=360)
dec = 12.3911231 Declination of map center (degrees) (min=-90, max=90)
nra = 160 Number of longitude pixels
ndec = 160 Number of latitude pixels
pixel_size = 0.25 Pixel size (degrees) (min=1e-2, max=2)

These parameters should be hidden. For the default the tool should pick up
the defaults in the input header file instead of having the user enter these
again. If the user wants a different center and extraction region there are two
standard syntaxes for this already


fcopy "L050405162511FE57EF3F19_PH00.fits[EVENTS][binr RA=172.7:202.7:0.3,DEC=-2.6:27.4:0.3]"


dmcopy "L050405162511FE57EF3F19_PH00.fits[EVENTS][bin ra=172.7:202.7:0.3,dec=-2.6:27.4:0.3]"

with the only difference that I can see is that for the ftools you can specify integer
real etc. (bini, binr, ...). With fcopy you can leave off the number type and just
specify bin and it will use same type as your input file.

The image when read into ds9 gives an error message
An Internal error has been detected: parse error: fk5

This tool seems to miss a fair number of keywords that should be copied to the new
header e.g.


The CDELT keywords for energy do not seem to match the ds keywords

CTYPE3 = 'photon energy' / log_MeV
CRPIX3 = 1. / Reference pixel
CRVAL3 = 30. / energy at the reference pixel
CDELT3 = 8.80487526386802 / z-axis logrithmic incr per pixel
CUNIT3 = 'log_MeV ' / Physical unit of Y-axis

DSUNI1 = 'MeV '
DSVAL1 = '20:200000'

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