GSSC-LAT Science Tools Meeting at SLAC, 18-19 April 2007
Topics for discussion and the approximate schedule, largely assembled by Chris, are listed below. We'll meet in the 2nd floor conference room in the Kavli building (51) starting at 2:00 pm on Wednesday afternoon. On Thursday we'll be in the SLUO room in building 84.
Toby Burnett, Dave Davis, James Peachey, Chris Shrader, Tom Stephens, Eric Winter will be in town for the discussions.
Tom will arrive first - actually, Toby is already here. Tom will be in building 84 (room B187) by around 11:00 am and we'll cover some topics in advance of the afternoon meeting. Toby has to leave at the end of the day on Wednesday.
26 April 2007 Action Items from April 2007 GSSC-LAT Meeting has been added as a summary
30 April 2007 Proposed Tool Names has been added; comments can be posted online on Proposed Tool Name Changes
6 June 2007 Proposed Parameter Name Changes has been added for comment
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Late Morning (11:00 am)
- Data products (potential topics)
- Revisiting the delivery of products beyond FT1 (like whether to send full Merit ntuple in FITS and whether to send every single event and whether to organize the files by day, downlink, or run
- What we'll do for temporarily missing data
- Draft detailed plan for LAT team's delivery of the Science Tools to the GSSC for distribution.
- Time line
- Process for delivery, testing, distribution, continued development
- Delivery/sharing of documentation - tutorials/threads and reference guides
- IRF development and delivery
- Same process for delivery and testing?
- Multiple sets of IRFs/event classes?
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Morning (post-Software VRVS)
- User support tools at the GSSC
- (Maybe) GSSC orbit/attitude simulation
- Suggestions arising from the GUC Beta Test
- Use of "INDEF" for parameters to simplify tool logic
- Changes to (shorter) tool names
- Standardization and shortening of parameter names
- Consistency of parameter names and default values between tools
- GUI issues
- Status of the DataMind group
- Brainstorming session: how could the current SAE GUI be improved?
- Plan for the Model Editor
- Architectural issues
- Restrictions on Root usage
- Likelihood issues
- Interoperability issues
- Ensuring compatibility of file formats with Ftools, e.g. lcurve, GBM PHA II files and XSPEC 12
- Use of DS9 region files