


Discussion items

Organizational announcementDan
  • Dan will take a new position as Installation and Commissioning Manager in LCLS-II HE starting October 1st. Sebastian will take over as interim group leader.

Ops TrainingAll
  • There is need for more training for ops, for example how to respond to faults on the  cavity display
  • A good place could be to add to the three letter codes on the summary display. There are already buttons that take you to the right EDM screens
  • Additionally extra formalized training for ops at different levels? There are ASO1/2/3 workbooks for operator training that Janice will be updating with SC linac specific content in the future. We will have to talk about what we want to add.

Linac trip
  • Looking at the site power and linac amplitude at the same time, the power drops and recovers at the same rate. Probably not the cause for the linac trip, more a result of it
  • IOC reboots must have been for some other reason
  • We encountered multiple 'waves' of different auto setup faults. E.g. cavity characterization not starting/finishing or invalid detunes.
  • Relatedly, Lisa is working with Sonya and Daron to get a dedicated auto setup service running on python IOCs that will hopefully eliminate some of these problems.

Cavity detuning
  • Ryan is working on a controlled document procedure for cavity detuning. About 3/4 done
  • Rough calculation: On the cavities with the largest number of steps, we've done about 10% of envisioned lifetime steps

JLab CM testing
  • No news yet on time when JLab might be ready for testing and need our help, they are still busy hunting down leaks
  • Expect update next week
  • Idea is to send 2 people for ~1week at a time

Sector 7/8 PPS door
  • Discussion whether the sector 7/8 PPS door will still be needed and might have to be moved
  • Arguments pro and con keeping the door

On call schedules
  • Is everyone okay with the current schedules? Generally yes
  • Calls from ACR are only supposed to be on swing shift, day/swing on the weekend
  • Discussion about rotations, do we want to go back to fixed weekdays per person, or flat rotation that keeps cycling through days but is more predictable

Action items
