Blog from May, 2014

Scientific Computing Services and Data Center support staff worked with customer groups to relocate a number of servers in Building 50.  The systems were removed from the old row 40 on the 1st floor in preparation for the build out of two new rows to accommodate LCLS. This is critical to the expansion of LCLS.

Scientific Computing Services and Oracle Corp. upgraded firmware on our large tape libraries to enable new monitoring software and allow the use of advanced T10000D tape drives that store 60% more data per tape than our current drives.   The ability to purchase T10000D tape drives will decrease tape storage costs to our science customers.


OCIO staff have been working with customers to migrate 142 servers from old Cisco 6500 switches, that have reached End-of-Life, to newer Top Of Rack Nexus switches.  This work, which is part of our lifecycle management process, ensures better networking reliability and redundancy and also improves the network performance for our research computing environment.