To upload your talk please use the form below. Note that you must be logged in to confluence using your SLAC unix or windows id before you will be able to upload. The login link can be found at the top of the confluence page. If you have problems uploading your talk please send your presentation to or contact a member of the organizing committee.
  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow slic_110620_Graf.ppt slic talk Jun 16, 2011 by Jeremy McCormick
PDF File BKGSim.pdf BKG sim talk Jun 17, 2011 by Dennis Wright
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Workshop_SLAC_06202011.pptx Elect. Struct. Theory talk Jun 17, 2011 by Abild-Pedersen, Frank
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow SCI_workshop2011.ppt Lanfa Wang Jun 17, 2011 by wanglf
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Moritz_SLAC_SCW_2011.ppt Pulsed-field pump-probe response Jun 19, 2011 by Brian Moritz
File SCW11-ChoNg.tar All the files have to be in the same directory for the animations to work in the preseentation. Jun 19, 2011 by Cho-Kuen Ng
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow Perl_SCW.ppt Joseph Perl, Updated Version Jun 19, 2011 by Joseph Perl
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow CDMS_SciComp_v1.ppt Jun 19, 2011 by dbrandt
PDF File High-order Harmonic Generation in Bulk Crystals.pdf HHG Kemper Jun 19, 2011 by Kemper, Alexander Franciscus
PDF File PresentationMSL.pdf Simulation for Radiation Protection Jun 20, 2011 by Santana, Mario
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