


  • Initial Meeting on SC19 Strategy

Discussion items

40minSC19 DirectionRuth/Neal
  • DECISION:  Use basic booth setup from Denver SC17, but with reverse orientation to open towards TACC. We want to capitalize on their presence.
  • DECISION: Giveaway needs to be compelling but not too expensive. Stephane Thiell already volunteered to work on that (I hope he remembers that).
  • DECISION: We should do an inventory of what parts/props/pieces we have from previous years.
  • DECISION:  Go with wireless for booth as much as possible; discuss with Phil. 
  • DECISION:  Comfy seating matters.
  • DECISION:  Neal has handled lots of the booth, logistics, etc. and is willing to do that, Stanford should "lead" on content.
  • DECISION:  Proceed with planning although neither side knows fully what next FY's budget outlook will be.
  • DECISION:  Request Dr. Phil's participation (and attendance) to better prepare us for handling this "solo" in future years.
  • Ruth TO DO:  Schedule brainstorming session for FIRST WEEK OF AUGUST with Neal, Ruth, Dr. Phil, Yemi, and other SRCC and SLAC folks who might be going to SC.  Anyone going has to have a role and contribute regularly in the planning and execution.  This meeting will be to discuss booth content and approach (talks/etc.) .  Steve G plans to attend 2 days (as of now).  Agreed we would not have rows of tables for training sessions but given proximity to Google we may be able to have Will do talks there and in our booth - or just at Google.
  • Ruth TO DO: Identify a POC on the Stanford side, if possible. Right now that's Ruth. Ruth talked with Randy M Friday afternoon about other possibilities, no decisions yet.
  • Ruth TO DO:  talk with Dell about shirts, given that Teri Church is no longer at SLAC. Neal believes SLAC's communications team person who helped with design in the past will be willing to do so again.
  • Ruth TO DO:  Talk with TACC folks next week and at PEARC19 re: their booth
  • Ruth TO DO:  Talk with Sylvie Cosgrove (new UIT ED for Comm Tech and Data Centers) about UIT Comm Tech / Networking presence and participation at SC19. 
  • Ruth TO DO:  Ask Mark Piercy to engage the grad students who did lightning talks on campus at Gear Up for Research Computing. They were awesome. We'd like to have videos of them giving those talks (reprising those talks) to show on the screens.
  • Neal TO DO:  Engage Art & Display.  Definitely would like to update/revise some panel content.
  • Neal TO DO: Talk with Yemi about who else from his team should come to brainstorming session.

Action items
