
Release Manager Back End

Windows build recently stopped compilation step.  Navid will investigate.


Some old troubles that were fixed are rearing their ugly heads again:

Navid has suggested that we start up automatic notifications for SCons build failures.  This may take a couple of days to implement.

u35 has been reformatted.  We agreed that for now, only the SCons builds will be brought over to u35, and we'll leave the CMT builds on u30.

Heather asked about when FSW will dump RH9/RHEL3.  Richard suggested contacting Tony Waite directly.

Release Manager Front End

No news to report

RM To Do

Windows Support

SCons and Windows - a Log

SCons and Windows To Do


Need to poke Bryson about who is taking over the package.


 Emmanuel got it to work on rh9 and rhel4 32 bit machines by specifying fox 1.4.34 in ld_library_path
new version of fox 1.4.34  1.4.34-gl1 to distinguish the version that was already availalble
Joanne suggests testing Fred with Gleam.

Tracy brought up the desire to use Wired.  Perhaps if there are questions about Fred's ability to run on some platforms, we need to get Wired fully going sooner rather than later.  Heather will contact Tony about what is left on the to do list.  It may primarily be the need to access merit.

Emmanuel will contact Riccardo to ask about Mac and 64 bit support.


The Big To Do