An attempt at capturing the remaining work to (approximately) complete the transition of Fermi software as we approach the end of the original 10-yr mission goal.
Code Development
Build Products Production
Mac OS Support
Item | Description | Who | Deadline | Status | JIRA |
set up lease of servers | IN PROGRESS | ||||
Using Containers in L1 and Simulations
Item | Description | Who | Deadline | Status | JIRA |
Operating L1 etc
Item | Description | Who | Deadline | Status | JIRA |
cleanup documentation | TomS, Warren | IN PROGRESS | - LONE-206Getting issue details... STATUS | ||
L1 GR branch builds | Heather | IN PROGRESS | |||
Get Jenkins to clean up workspace for new builds | An L1 build may follow a master build and it's not clear what is being rebuilt - some build products are re-used across builds. | Brian | - GRINF-87Getting issue details... STATUS | ||
Fill ISOC SVN repository documentation | A lot of the ISOC software is held in a SVN repository. We need documentation on the packages contained there including a description, where it gets install, who maintains it, and whether or not the repository and code in production are synced. | Steve T., Tom S., others? | - PIPE-49Getting issue details... STATUS |
Item | Description | Who | Deadline | Status | JIRA |
Find home or discard old Workbook content | Move content to GitHub or Confluence | Heather | |||
Document release process in GitHub | Brian | ||||
Conda Tools Documentation | Instructions for users on installing the conda version of the Tools | Joe A. | IN PROGRESS |
Unresolved ScienceTools JIRA Issues
- STGEN-185Getting issue details... STATUS | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | IN PROGRESS Ongoing until first conda release | |
STGEN-184 | Alex Reustle | Alex Reustle | DEFERRED Stays open (no work requested yet) | |
STGEN-183 | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | COMPLETE | |
STGEN-182 | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | COMPLETE | |
STGEN-181 | Alex Reustle | Alex Reustle | IN PROGRESS Reassigned to Eric. Alex needs to update comment with his progress | |
STGEN-180 | Alex Reustle | Joe Asercion | IN PROGRESS Ongoing until first conda release | |
STGEN-179 | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | IN PROGRESS Toby says he does not see the FIXME comment and has no idea what I'm referencing. Elizabeth said she would get in touch with him. | |
STGEN-178 | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | COMPLETE | |
STGEN-176 | Alex Reustle | Alex Reustle | IN PROGRESS | |
STGEN-175 | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | IN PROGRESS | |
STGEN-174 | Joe Asercion | Alex Reustle | IN PROGRESSAssigned to Joe E. He has confirmed this is still happening but it is sporadic. | |
STGEN-173 | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | COMPLETE | |
STGEN-172 | Joe Asercion | Nicola Omodei | IN PROGRESS Double check models still work, close if no action needed | |
STGEN-169 | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | COMPLETE | |
STGEN-168 | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | COMPLETE | |
STGEN-167 | Joe Asercion | Joe Asercion | COMPLETE | |
STGEN-166 | Jean Ballet | Toby Burnett | NOT STARTED | |
STGEN-165 | Regina Caputo | Maria Elena Monzani | NOT STARTED Reassign to Giacomo, he will work on this (COULDN'T FIND GIACOMO IN JIRA) | |
STGEN-162 | Heather Kelly | Heather Kelly | IN PROGRESS Waiting on Joanne to respond | |
STGEN-161 | Matthew Wood | Toby Burnett | COMPLETE | |
STGEN-155 | Giacomo Vianello | Toby Burnett | IN PROGRESS Assigned to Brian | |
STGEN-152 | Jim Chiang | Jim Chiang | IN PROGRESS Assigned to Joe | |
STGEN-149 | Giacomo Vianello | Jim Chiang | COMPLETE Issue was not present when investigating the current version of ModelEditor that is released with the ST. Closed | |
STGEN-145 | Jean Ballet | Joanne Bogart | Waiting on Joanne to respond | |
STGEN-144 | Matt Wood | Jim Chiang | Leave with Jim | |
STGEN-138 | Jim Chiang | Stephen Fegan | Assigned to Alex | |
STGEN-135 | Jean Ballet | Stephen Fegan | Assigned to Elizabeth | |
STGEN-127 | Vlasios Vasileiou | Jim Chiang | Documentation update, assigned to Elizabeth. Joe will look into phibins=0=1 behavior code update | |
STGEN-124 | David Landriu | James Peachey | This is not currently implemented. I can modify tip to do so, if requested ~ Joe A | |
STGEN-122 | Jim Chiang | James Peachey | Switched to CALDB. Closed | |
STGEN-115 | Giacomo Vianello | James Peachey | Closed (Chris' recommendation) | |
STGEN-111 | Jean Ballet | Toby Burnett | Ignore for now | |
STGEN-110 | Jim Chiang | Toby Burnett | Assign to Joe A, double check to see if lines were changed per Jim's comment (ASSIGNED TO JOE A) | |
STGEN-108 | Tom Glanzman | James Peachey | Ok to close out and reopen if it becomes an issue again (CLOSED BY TOM G) | |
STGEN-107 | James Peachey | James Peachey | Joe E investigated, still happening. Reassigned to Joe A | |
STGEN-101 | Daniel Flath | Jim Chiang | OBE, should be closed (we've changed handling of EVENT_CLASSES (bitmask change) (JOE A CLOSED) | |
STGEN-98 | mazziotta | James Peachey | Elizabeth checked. They are set to NULL. Closed issue. | |
STGEN-94 | Jean Ballet | Toby Burnett | Closed | |
STGEN-90 | Vlasios Vasileiou | Toby Burnett | Ignore for now | |
STGEN-87 | John Vernaleo | Jim Chiang | Joe A will verify. | |
STGEN-82 | Vlasios Vasileiou | James Peachey | Closeout (CLOSED) | |
STGEN-62 | John Vernaleo | Toby Burnett | OBE, should be closed (CLOSED BY JOE A) | |
STGEN-47 | Eric Winter | Nicola Omodei | Joe A will verify. | |
STGEN-46 | Eric Winter | Nicola Omodei | Joe A will verify. | |
STGEN-45 | Eric Winter | Nicola Omodei | Joe A will verify. | |
STGEN-44 | Eric Winter | Nicola Omodei | Joe A will verify. | |
STGEN-42 | Jim Chiang | Jim Chiang | Verify with Jim the status of this issue |